Mike Pence’s Organization Opposes RFK: But Why?

Mike Pence's Organization Opposes RFK- But Why? - Encounter Today - Blog

Drama, it’s the substance of politics, and plenty of it was stirred up when former Vice President Mike Pence used his organization, Advancing American Freedom, to urge Senators to oppose the confirmation of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS).

The reason for this opposition? Kennedy is, supposedly, pro-abortion according to Pence, but is this really true? Or, is Pence merely trying to make it difficult for his former boss, President-elect Donald Trump?

In a conversation with Senator Josh Hawley, Kennedy committed to the following:

  • Reinstating President Trump’s prolife policies at HHS. That includes reinstating the Mexico City policy and ending taxpayer funding for abortions domestically. Thank God.
  • Reinstating the bar on Title X funds going to organizations that promote abortion.
  • Reversing the Biden Admin’s Section 1557 rule and that all of his deputies at HHS would be prolife.

This is of utmost importance. Under the previous Trump administration, Trump himself acknowledged that one of the mistakes he made was the personnel he brought on board. In political circles, every employee carries their own set of beliefs and those beliefs often affect the direction of the department they are in.

  • He stated that he believes far too many abortions take place in the U.S. and how this nation cannot be the moral leader of the free world with abortion rates so high.
  • Reinstating conscience protections for healthcare providers.

So whether it be a medical professional who doesn’t want to recommend or commit and abortion due to their religious beliefs, or a doctor who cannot take a vaccine, these individuals should not be persecuted for that which they believe.

Mike Pence's Organization Opposes RFK- But Why? - Encounter Today - Blog - Image

In Pence’s letter, they called for Kennedy to address his stances on abortion pills which are responsible for the deaths of dozens of mothers across the United States. They also asked for Kennedy to commit to reinstating the safeguards on abortion drugs put in place by former President Bill Clinton.

These are legitimate questions and requests that Americans should know the answers to.

On the flip side, the call for Senators to outright reject a nominee on the basis of previous beliefs when tried against that which he has already committed to do reeks of political maneuvering.

And so the question remains – why is Mike Pence trying to make it difficult for the incoming Trump administration?

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Tags: Mike Pence's Organization, Mike Pence's Organization Opposes RFK: But Why?, RFK, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Secretary of Health and Human Services

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