Will Abortion Survivors Finally Get Protection?

Will Abortion Survivors Finally Get Protection - Encounter Today - Blog

Babies who survive failed abortion attempts are often left to die but one bill could change that.

The bill, called the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, would ensure that babies who survive an attempt on their life whilst inside the womb, would immediately receive medical care in order to preserve their lives.

In 2023, thanks to the efforts of two believers in office who wrote the bill, Senators John Thune and Senator John Lankford, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the legislation.

And this is one of the many powerful reasons to have God-fearing individuals working in the sphere of politics!

Proverbs 24:11 calls us to “Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter” and that is exactly what these politicians are doing!

Newly elected Senate Majority Leader John Thune recently took to the Senate floor to advocate in favor of the bill he co-authored, saying:

“This vote will ask Democrats to make a clear decision: Should a baby who survives an abortion be given the medical attention they deserve, or should they be left to die? It’s a simple, commonsense question.”

This bill is long overdue.

Most Americans would be shocked to discover that babies who survive an abortion are just left to die, receiving no care whatsoever.

At present, 35 states have varied forms of protection for these children who are born alive after an abortion, and yet, there are only 19 states whose laws guarantee immediate care in a hospital setting!

At least 277 babies have survived abortions in the U.S., that number, however, is most likely much higher.

Transparency is desperately needed as several states currently fail to gather and report just how many babies actually make it through this horrific attempt on their lives. Some states have even gone so far as to remove any reporting requirements!

So what are the chances of this lifesaving bill passing?

After the landslide election in favor of President-elect Donald Trump, Senate Republicans now have the majority with 51 seats and Democrats holding 45 seats.

This isn’t just a story about good policy, however, it’s a story about the importance of those who love and serve God using their positions to honor God and claim territory for the kingdom.

Godly people are needed in every sphere of influence, from the family home to the halls of government – every place, every sphere, is territory to claim for the kingdom and to influence!

Ever child is a precious gift from God and this bill is one that recognizes their lives and their God-given dignity.

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Tags: Abortion Survivors, John Thune, Senator John Lankford, Will Abortion Survivors Finally Get Protection?

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