Jesus Praised By Trump Appointee In Senate Hearing

Jesus Praised By Trump Appointee In Senate Hearing -Encounter Today - Blog

President Trump’s nominee for Defense Secretary, Pete Hegseth, proudly proclaimed Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior during the opening of his confirmation statement, a sight not commonly seen in Senate hearings.

“All glory, regardless of the outcome belongs to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,” Hegseth stated, “His grace and mercy abounds each day. May His will be done,” Hegseth stated.

The significance of this cannot be dismissed.

Hegseth will be tasked with leading America’s armed forces and as a Christian who once served in the military, there are several ways in which Hegseth’s faith and understanding of the U.S. Constitution will affect his role in the office of Defense Secretary.

Here are four reasons on why it is so important to have a believer at the helm of our armed forces:

  1. There will be a recognition of God at the top of our military: this recognition of humanity’s reliance and desperate need of our Creator and the wisdom that is from above, is a sign of humility and that is something God can work with.
  2. There will be an understanding of the dignity of the human person, that all were created with inherent worth. Therefore, there will be an understanding of the value of those lives serving in combat, as well as a cost counted in the taking of human life in any military operation.
  3. There is a knowing that those in positions of authority are called to promote those who do good, as well as to punish the wicked.
  4. There will be a Godly standard of equality that is promoted whilst the Marxist god of equity will be cast down.

In a surprising turn of events, there were several Senators who praised Hegseth for his proclamation of Christ which compelled many to thank God for saving them.

Senator Markwayne Mullin was one such Senator who joined Hegseth in praising God for the forgiveness and salvation he had also received.

Mullin also used his speaking allotment to expose wickedness directly and he didn’t mince words.

Calling out hypocrisy by Senate Democrats for trying to hold Hegseth accountable to allegations that they themselves were so readily guilty of, such as arriving to vote on legislation completely drunk whilst actively cheating on their wives, caused gasps to break out across the room.

Amazing what happens when the quiet part is called out into the light!

And this is exactly what a Godly man does, regardless of the sphere of influence he is in!

Mullin went on to state that he is an imperfect man but that God’s grace and forgiveness is greater and went on to thank his wife, as well as Mrs. Hegseth, for standing with both men and forgiving them just as Jesus does.

What an incredible message for Americans to hear coming from those in a sphere that has essentially been granted celebrity status!

These acknowledgements, of their shortcomings and their need for Christ, wasn’t just authentic, it was refreshing.

Children of the Most High need to be in positions of authority, and despite what many may think, government isn’t a place to secede ground to the enemy, it is territory meant to be taken for the kingdom!

To shine the light of Christ doesn’t mean that we are perfect, every single one of the politicians listed above isn’t, but it does require humility and obedience.

It is expected that there will be several hurdles for Trump’s nominees in their confirmation hearings, and from this we can extract an important lesson – we are all called and we are all equipped by God to fulfill every good work that He has for us, and despite where God calls you, we know that where He calls, He provides.

So whether you are a mother homeschooling her children or a father sitting before the Senate, when you step out in obedience to God, watch as the ripple effect takes place and many are impacted by your obedience and by the territory you claim for the kingdom of God.

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Tags: News
Tags: Pete Hegseth, Senate, Senate Hearing, Senator Markwayne Mullin, Trump Appointee

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