The Christian Origins of the Christmas Tree

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The Christian Origins of the Christmas Tree - Encounter Today - Blog

Origins of the Festive Sermon Illustration

Back in 7th-century Germany, there was a monk named Boniface who brilliantly used the triangular shape of the evergreen tree to explain the Holy Trinity to pagans. As Germany embraced Christianity through evangelistic efforts like this, the symbolic evergreen tree found its way into homes, as a sign of the evergreen love and grace of God for humanity.

By the 14th century, German Christmas plays featured these trees, not as pagan symbols, but as beautiful representations of eternal life and the tree of life we have in Christ Jesus. Adorned with fruits and trimmings, these trees symbolized the gracious gifts of God. And guess who possibly added candles to these trees? Martin Luther himself, to illustrate Jesus as the light of the world.

The Christian Origins of the Christmas Tree - Children Hang Lights - Encounter Today - Blog

Now, let’s clear up a common misconception:

The Christmas tree is definitely not the Ashera tree mentioned in the Mishna’s Avoda Zarah, or in Jereimah 10 which talks about trees associated with idol worship. The tree mentioned in Jeremiah 10 is cut down and then turned into an idol by carving hands, feet and a mouth into it along with other idolatrous symbols. Does that sound like our Christmas tree? Not at all!

Moreover, Jewish temple practices featured 12 different evergreen trees, used in various ways, long before any alleged pagan adoption. These trees, including wreaths, throughout history have been symbols of eternal life, pointing directly to Jesus as the sole path to salvation.

The Christmas tree, far from being a pagan import, is deeply rooted in Christian tradition, symbolizing faith and eternal life in Christ Jesus.

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Tags: Revival, Spiritual Warfare
Tags: Christmas, Christmas Tree, Origin

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