Lutheran Church Celebrates ‘The Day of the Dead’

lutheran Church Celebrates ‘The Day of the Dead - Encounter Today - Blog

In an attempt to fill their “diversity” quota, Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Fresno, CA, put on a “Día de los Muertos” (Day of the Dead) celebration in their church, displaying idols and Aztec Dancers in the sanctuary.

What is “Day of the Dead,” you ask?

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It is a Mexican holiday with roots in the Catholic and Indigenous Mexican belief systems about those who are deceased.

This “celebration” as it is described, helps the spirits of the dead to return to their families in order to keep any difficulties from those who have died from wrecking havoc on the lives of the living.

Although several demographics celebrate this day and based upon the region, their traditions change, there are still some commonalities which include alters with offerings to the dead, incense, candlelit cemeteries and skull shaped candies and decorations.

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Traditionally it is taught that on this day, the boundary between the spirit world and the physical world weakens which allows people to commune with the dead. Clearly, this is unbiblical and an open door to the demonic.

Another belief surrounding this day is that dead relatives can bring the living prosperity or bring them to ruin and it all depends on how families conduct rituals. Again, this is absolutely demonic!

So in the case of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church who has celebrated this demonic tradition for years now, with pictures stemming back from 2019 which show shrines to the spirits called Ofrendas, there is no excuse be it cultural or otherwise to celebrate death.

It doesn’t matter if you were born into this tradition or if your family has celebrated it for years past, as a child of God, there is no room for the demonic in our lives!

This day honors death—not just the dead—and taking part in occult practices is forbidden by God (Deut. 18:10–14).

Scripture states that death is the last enemy to be destroyed (1 Cor. 15:26), so as believers, we should not participate in the Day of the Dead. To do so is to take part in occult practices.

Instead, we can see these days and celebrations as opportunities to share the life offered to us through Jesus Christ, who conquered death.

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Tags: Demonic, Día de los Muertos, Lutheran Church, Lutheran Church Celebrates The Day of the Dead, occult practices, The Day of the Dead

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