Death Cult Rejected By Welsh Government

Death Cult Rejected By Welsh Government - Encounter Today - Blog

The assisted suicide lobby has faced a significant setback in its efforts to impose its agenda on Wales, as the Welsh Parliament (Senedd) recently voted against a motion requesting Westminster to introduce assisted suicide legislation.

In the vote, 26 Senedd members opposed the motion, while 19 supported it.

Campaigners seemed to anticipate enough support to claim overwhelming backing for Kim Leadbeater’s assisted suicide Bill, currently under consideration in the House of Commons.

This expectation backfired, however, demonstrating that the Welsh Assembly firmly rejects the introduction of an assisted suicide regime.

This outcome is a major blow to the campaign’s hopes of advancing the Leadbeater Bill, which is set for a vote on November 29.

During the debate, many members expressed strong opposition to the idea of introducing assisted suicide.

Delyth Jewell, Plaid Cymru member for South Wales East, stated, “My fear with this motion—well, my terror, really—is not so much with how it will begin as with how it will end.”

She highlighted that while, “There are safeguards in what is being proposed in Westminster… every precedent we see internationally shows that no safeguard is sacrosanct.”

Introducing assisted suicide to any country sets a very dangerous precedent.

Thankfully, Jewell shared many experiences coming out of Canada, the Netherlands, Belgium, and some U.S. states, pointing to them as evidence of how quickly safeguards can be eroded, leading to vulnerable individuals qualifying for assisted suicide.

Darren Millar, member for Clwyd West, remarked, “[L]egalising assisted suicide would send a clear message that some lives are not worth living… that’s a message that any civilised society, frankly, should not be promoting.”

He also emphasized that many individuals in Wales continue to lead fulfilling lives despite terminal illnesses or debilitating conditions.

“This vote shows that the Welsh Parliament clearly rejects the imposition of assisted suicide on Wales from Westminster, with fewer than a third of Senedd members voting in favour,” said Catherine Robinson, spokesperson for Right To Life UK.


Regarding assisted suicide, we as believers must stand firm on the issue of the sanctity of life for it is a gift from God and Christ teaches us that every life is valuable, created in the image of our Creator, and deserving of compassion, care, and support.

Our commitment must be the protection of the vulnerable as we are called to do in Proverbs 24:11 which says, “Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter.”

We know that as the day grows closer to the soon return of Christ that the days will grow darker and that darkness manifests in places of influence and authority, such as in government policies, with the assisted suicide lobby serving us with a perfect example.

And whilst there are those who are complying with this evil all around the globe, there are still those who are taking a stand against this wickedness in their nations as the Welsh have!

The children of God are playing key roles in fighting this anti-christ agenda and one by one, as these battles are being fought in the natural , they are also being fought in the supernatural.

In this fight, the church of God will not back down because we know this is our time to shine and to shine brightly!

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Tags: News
Tags: Death Cult, Death Cult Rejected By Welsh Government, Delyth Jewell, Leadbeater Bill, Plaid Cymru, Senedd, Wales, Welsh Government, Welsh Parliament

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