Consequences of Anti-Biblical Worldviews: STUDY
Are mental health problems such as depression, fear, and anxiety, caused by an anti-Biblical worldview? A new study makes a compelling case.
Dr. George Barna of the Cultural Research Center revealed how hundreds of thousands of people seeking mental health assistance could actually be “treating the wrong problem.”
Statistics show that 33% of Millennials and Gen Zers in America are diagnosed with “one or more diagnosable mental disorders whilst 23% of adults are currently suffering from some sort of mental illness.
Whilst not all mental health challenges are rooted in matters pertaining to the worldview one possesses, Barna did find that depression, fear, and anxiety could be a result of holding onto certain perspectives.
“The research instead indicates that those are often symptoms of an unhealthy worldview that produces and reinforces the emergence of anxiety, depression, fear, and even suicidal thoughts,” the study reads.
“Instead of turning to mental health treatments, the best prescription for millions of Americans is to embrace a more reliable and proven worldview.”
Barna argues that “worldview is … party responsible for mental health.”
And according to Scripture, he’s not wrong.
Holding fast to a Biblical worldview provides a lens through which we can view ourselves, our purpose whilst interpreting and navigating the complexities of life.
Romans 12:1-2 says, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect,” whilst Colossians 3:17 states, “And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”
The study found that “Individuals who lack a biblical worldview are more likely to struggle with” issues which include the “frequent presence of anxiety, depression, or significant fear.”
With Gen Z being the least churched/discipled group in American history, it’s not surprising that around 56% of them report experiencing regular battles with anxiety, fear, or depression.
“Roughly half of Millennials (49%) have frequently entertained anxiety, depression, or major episodes of fear, while only 2% of that generation holds a biblical worldview,” the report states.
An interesting point, however, arises from within the study: “Individuals who are less likely to suffer from those challenges are substantially more likely to consciously make time to thank, praise, and worship God every day, to attend church services every week; and to commit to knowing and doing God’s will each day,” the report reads.
In a society that has a heavy reliance on medication and therapy to deal with the mental health challenges that are plaguing this generation, this study reveals to Christ’s church a glaring red flag of how we can be reaching those who are lost and in need of Christ!
God’s Word holds within it the answers to all the questions every life has, whether that be about themselves or the world around them.
Reaching people with God’s love, the free gift of salvation and the transformative power of the Holy Spirit is what this generation needs to hear!
This generation needs to know that reliance on medication and all kinds of therapies will never bring them the freedom they desire. It is only through a belief in and reliance on Christ that there is refreshing and a newness of life where we get to experience true and lasting freedom.
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