UK Criminalizes Silent Prayer
The UK’s first “thoughtcrime” has been committed by an army veteran who silently offered a prayer whilst standing outside an abortion facility where he paid for his preborn son to be murdered.
In November of 2022, Adam Smith-Connor prayed with his back to an abortion facility to avoid any impression of trying to convince women entering or leaving the facility from going through with their abortions, but due to Smith-Connor being inside of a “buffer zone,” he was questioned by police.
Astonishing thread :thread: by @Paul_B_Coleman on Adam’s conviction today.
— Sean Nelson (@Sean_ADFIntl) October 16, 2024
Watch out now in the UK if you are “perceptibly praying”!
I think the UK really needs our “perceptible prayers” (and more) right now. :pray:
*Buffer zones are designated censorship spaces outside of abortion facilities and hospitals where pro-life individuals are prohibited from offering help to women who are seeking an abortion and now, from offering silent prayers.
In August of 2023, a whole year after Smith-Connor after his trial had been set, Bournemouth authorities criminally prosecuted Adam.
The court reasoned that prayer amounts to “disapproval of abortion” and Smith-Connor’s gesture of bowing his head and clasping his hands were seen to be a personal stature of his “disapproval.”
Fast forward yet another year to October 2024, the Court sentenced Smith-Connor to a conditional discharge and ordered him to pay prosecution costs of £9,000.
1955, the consensus leading to the creation of the International Covenant on Civil & Political Rights:
— Jeremiah Igunnubole (@JIgunnubole) October 17, 2024
“no restriction of a legal character could be imposed upon a man’s inner thought or moral consciousness”
Yesterday, Britain :gb: departed from this sacrosanct principle of law.
Alliance Defending Freedom International (ADFI), who has been representing Smith-Connor. commented on the situation saying:
“According to the rules of the censorship zone in which he was praying, if Adam were thinking about any other issue – the economy, immigration, or healthcare, for example – he wouldn’t have been fined. It was the nature of his thoughts, his silent prayer, that got him in legal trouble.”
Take Aways
1- Christians need to take a stand.
Adam Smith-Connor is a husband, father and practicing physiotherapist. but most importantly, he is a Christian who is unafraid to defend his faith and pro-life views publicly.
ADFI’s website states, “Before Adam’s conversion to Christianity, he had paid for the abortion of his first son, Jacob, whom he conceived with an ex-girlfriend – a decision that he deeply regrets. He’s found forgiveness but knows firsthand the trauma of abortion and the loss of life it causes.”
“That’s why he prays silently in public – about his own son, other unborn babies and their mothers, and fathers.”
The pro-life position is a Godly stance, so too is the right to free speech, no wonder they are under attack!
As Christians, we are called to be “salt and light” in our nations and if we desire to continue living in the freedoms we have been so richly blessed with by God, which our governments have acknowledged up until now, then we must be the ones who boldly stand in defiance of tyranny!
2- Take a stand against buffer zones.
From Canada to the UK to states through the U.S., buffer zones are appearing all across the globe and they aren’t solely targeting certain types of speech (pro-life) anymore, they’re censoring the actions of prayerful people.
This should be a red flag warning for believers.
JP on THAT letter sent to residents within buffer zones in Scotland.
— SPUC Pro-Life (@spucprolife) October 11, 2024
Why does @scotgov fear praying so much? Odd behaviour from them.
If government can legislate against what we can or cannot say, do or think when it comes to certain controversial subjects (ex: the Christian sexual ethic), whose to say they won’t run further, expanding their agenda to prohibit that which we can or cannot say, do or think inside our own homes?
Oh wait, the Scottish government has already done that.
So buffer zones in Scotland could now include someone speaking inside their own house about abortion. And neighbours are being encouraged to report each other. Well done 'Safer Scotland', I'm sure everyone is sleeping better knowing this.
— Isabel Vaughan-Spruce (@IsabelVSpruce) October 9, 2024
3- This is spiritual.
Everything in life is spiritual. This attack on free speech and the freedom of thought has implications for every believer.
As we see the day drawing closer to the return of Christ, there will be greater attacks on the mechanisms and freedoms which God instituted and blessed us with, such as free speech, which has aided in spreading the Gospel!
Attacks on free speech is occurring in buffer zones, attacking free assembly took place during the global lockdowns and attacks on freedom of religion are ongoing.
This isn’t a coincidence.
Before Jesus returns for His church, the world will become darker and these attacks will continue to take place, but thank God that’s not the end of the story!
We, the church, are the restrainer of the Antichrist’s agenda.
We have been given power and authority so that we may accomplish all that God has called us to in these last days! This includes standing against agendas which seek to silence the church.
We have the victory! So let us boldly stand from that place of victory in Christ by defending the truth of God’s Word, sharing the Gospel with others and being active in our culture for the glory of God.
If you want to help support Adam Smith-Connor, you can find the donation link HERE.
Thank you for your support.
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