Top 5 Things Destroying Marriage Among Young People
By Jamie Bambrick – Editor-In-Chief, Clear Truth Media.
1 – They’re (Almost) All Porn Addicts.
The grip of porn has literally rewired young minds, destroying sex, and making them trade the pursuit of real love for on-demand sexual satisfaction, killing millions of fruitful marriages before they even begin.
The hard work of meeting and winning over a real person is replaced by a screen that never says no.
2 – They’re Crushed By Housing Costs.
The dream of a home filled with children is largely dead thanks to uncontrolled immigration spiking demand for homes well beyond the supply.
Combine this with reckless government spending loading future generations with insurmountable debt and half the GDP going to taxes, and the result is that marriage and children are simply beyond reach for all bar a few.
3 – They’re Indoctrinated By Toxic Media.
The media brainwashes our youth into believing careers and self-obsession matter more than marriage and family.
Women are told that to care for children is to betray their sex, and that such kids are merely a burden to be carried rather than a blessing to be enjoyed. Most only realize this is a lie when it is much too late.
4 – They Despair Over The Future.
Nihilism and cynicism have replaced optimism as the default attitude among Gen-Z Westerners.
Having heard that their nations, and they themselves by extension, are racist, sexist, privileged and ultimately irredeemable, they have lost any sense of national identity or destiny.
This means decreased desire to bring children into a world they perceive to be both wicked and crumbling.
5 – They Kill 25% Of Their Children.
Abortion doesn’t just end life; it kills the very future of families and society.
Women who have aborted a child are less likely to desire future children.
Men are less likely to want to raise children with such a woman.
When we normalize this, we repudiate family life.
To save the West, all of this must be changed.
*The above was originally seen on Jamie Bambrick’s X Account
Jamie Bambrick is Editor-In-Chief for Clear Truth Media which strives to engage culture and restore truth to the public square. Learn more about Clear Truth Media.
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Great article , thank you.