Miracles Throughout The Storm

Miracles Throughout The Storm - Encounter Today - Blog

Whilst storms bring with them devastation, there are also miracles that are often overlooked.

Hurricane Milton was projected to have catastrophic winds and storm surge, the likes of which meteorologists were saying hadn’t been seen in 1,000 years!

From Milton being classified as a Category 5 hurricane to Tampa’s Mayor saying to residents, “if you stay, you’ll die,” many experts said this storm was going to wipe out whole communities and utterly destroy Tampa.

But the prayers of the righteous were indeed heard and we saw a miraculous turnaround!

Not only was the hurricane downgraded to a Category 3, but the chaotic winds never reached the 180 mph they were projected to and the flooding wasn’t as horrific as it could have been.

Many stories have emerged of those who were praying over their homes and state and saw results!

One of the most interesting things we’ve taken note of throughout Hurricane Milton, as well as other recent storms, is the acknowledgement that God’s hand of provision and protection was upon the lives of believers.

Whilst the establishment media will only show you the destruction, we’re here to show you another perspective through the posts of those who were affected and yet, protected.

Miracles on Florida’s east coast!

A mother’s prayers were answered as she, along with her children, were saved from flooding:

“Minimal damage” amidst chaos:

Reunion caught on camera:

“Praise be to God!” – acknowledgements of God’s protection:

Stepping away from Hurricane Milton, a clip has gone viral of a woman who was captured in her backyard praying and praising Jesus, thanking Him that a tornado would not hit her home.

Miraculously, the tornado charted in another direction and no damage came upon her dwelling place!


As believers, we know that there will be trials and tribulations in this life because we are in a fallen world, however, such a hopeless state is not then end of the story for the believer!

How can such a claim be made? Because, we have been given “the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead!”

By way of the Holy Spirit, we have been given power, this means we can speak to the storms of life, in whatever ways they may present themselves, and say “Peace!”

In Matthew 8:27, Jesus rebuked the winds and the waves which resulted in complete calm. This astonished Jesus’ disciples who marveled, asking, “What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!”

Jesus is the perfect example for all believers, and as such, we know that in whatever storm we may see, we have the authority to speak in faith and call for peace.

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Tags: News
Tags: Category 5 hurricane, Hurricane in Florida, Hurricane Milton, Miracles on Florida's east coast, Miracles Throughout The Storm

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