Was A Global Government Just Established?

Was A Global Government Just Established - Encounter Today - Blog

The Summit for the Future just wrapped up in New York City and is being described as a “once in a generation opportunity to reimagine the multilateral system and steer humanity on a new course,” those are the United Nations’ (UN) words, not mine.

These words sound so hopeful and exciting, when in reality, this Summit’s agenda was creepy and tyrannical.

And, it was nothing new.

As with all UN Summits and Commissions, at the center was a document calling all nations to inspire to tackling many of the issues which consume the globalists’ mind; food insecurity, climate change, finance, misinformation, conflict, and so on.

And this year’s document called the “Pact for the Future” is no different as it is filled with much of the same “globalese” as documents from years past.

The 81-page document contains many portions which are very concerning, but again, nothing is really that new.

UN General Assembly President, Philemon Yang of Cameroon, claimed this UN deal would “lay the foundations for a sustainable, just, and peaceful global order – for all peoples and nations.”

This may sound lofty and more significant than all the previous documents which have found their way through the UN system before now, but this document is really just a recommitment to seeing Agenda 2030 come to pass.

With this understanding, let’s go a little bit deeper…

The issues which fill the document’s pages, (ex: climate change, food insecurity) are referred to as “complex global shocks.”

But never to fear, the United Nations has solutions to each and every “shock” humanity could face!

What a surprise.

From my time working within the UN system in order to combat it, this is what I know: any time the UN gets involved with anything, it becomes a money pit with little to nothing to show for it.

So whenever the UN comes forward with “solutions,” I am always reminded of a quote from Ronald Regan that goes something like, “The top 9 most terrifying words in the English Language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.”

The same principle applies and it’s creepy.

Back to the topic at hand…

One of the many areas needing to be addressed in this Pact is the UN’s focus around expanded cooperation and increasing their role on the global stage.

This insistence that the global community cannot handle the “complex” issues of the day without heavy reliance upon the UN isn’t new.

It does, however, bring with it a new set of calls for increased funding from nations.

This means you and I will be taxed to a greater extent, or our governments will ignore some of the problems at home in order to flush the UN with more of our cash.


If I were to share every single concerning element found within the pages of this Pact, we would be here far too long for any of our liking, as such, I will be addressing a few of the issues that are more so comprehensive of all those found within its pages.


First off, we have issues concerning the digital space and how the Pact seeks to adopt and push forward objectives 3 and 4 of the Global Digital Compact Annex.

Here is what the Pact says:

“Foster an inclusive, open, safe and secure digital space that respects, protects and promotes human rights [and] Advance responsible, equitable and interoperable data governance approaches.”

One of the most concerning portions of this annex has to do with “Information Integrity.” Here are some of the most concerning portions of that annex:

33. “Access to relevant, reliable and accurate information and knowledge is essential for an inclusive, open, safe and secure digital space. [T]echnolog[y] can facilitate the manipulation of and interference with information in ways that are harmful to societies and individuals, and negatively affect the enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms as well as the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals.”

A disturbing addition is seen in a charge given to digital technology companies to hand over private information to government researchers so they can “address misinformation”:

“We urgently call on digital technology companies and social media platforms to enhance the transparency and accountability of their systems [and] provide researchers access to data […] to build an evidence base on how to address misinformation and disinformation and hate speech that can inform government and industry policies, standards and best practices…”

What does this mean?

Simply put, it means increased surveillance and censorship, but eh, it’s for our “safety,” right?


Next on the chopping block is Action 34 of the Pact which is dedicated to children and young people.

It is important to note that “children” are defined as those 15 years of age or younger whilst “young people” is defined by UNESCO as being those who are “15 to 24 years of age.”

Here’s one of the concerning elements of Action 34:

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Anyone notice the call for “universal health coverage”?

Mhmm, the socialists have their fingers all over this document – no surprise, seeing as the head of the UN himself was in charge of a socialist party.

Nevertheless, as a Canadian who lived with universal health coverage, I can say it was a horrendous experience and I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would desire it.

That being said, might I also direct your attention to the portion about “immunizations and vaccinations and sexual and reproductive health.”

The supposed need for vaccinations to reach populations globally is nothing less than a token for UN funders who are in big pharma to increase their own profit margins (one example is Gavi which is linked to the Bill Gates Foundation).

However, yet another monetary contributor to UN bodies are those who benefit from offering abortion, contraception and so-called “sexual education” which is all neatly enveloped in the term “sexual and reproductive health.”

Two examples of these funders would be Planned Parenthood and Marie Stopes International.

Question on this front – why is the UN prioritizing abortion and contraception for children in underdeveloped countries? It’s worth thinking about when water and food insecurity are issues plaguing countries.

*Please note: The UN panders to those who fill their coffers, this is why the UN does against their own policies which clearly state that they are not to promote abortion. It really is very simple – just follow the money.


There’s a lot of talk about money and finance in this Pact and I’ll give you a few examples:

1. Huge transfers of public money into private hands is found in Action 9(28)(f) which promises:

“…a new collective quantified goal from a floor of 100 billion United States dollars per year, taking into account the needs and priorities of developing countries [to combat climate change];”

2. Calls for member states (nations present at the UN) to implement policy to usher in ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) which is really just a social credit system, into banking.

3. Addressing “debt distress” as is found in Action 3, which says:

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*Please note: The term “debt distress” is dangerous, and here’s why: for those who don’t know, the UN works alongside the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, all of whom come together to utilize different nation’s debt in their favor.

The UN, IMF and World Bank approach nations that are in distress, offering them much needed monetary aid but with strings attached. Often times, one of their conditions to receiving aid monies is that national policies are shifted to reflect the globalist’s goals and agendas.

This often occurs when it comes to social policies and there are several instances of this occurring, thus, my concern with this portion of the Pact.

And finally, I’ll leave this portion of the Pact concerning the financial section for you to read and come to your own conclusions on:

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Just like their partners, the UN is running with the same global campaign as the World Economic Forum (WEF) launched back in January of this year: rebuilding trust.

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From all fronts, globalists are running the same race, to ensure their funding streams keep flowing and to rebuild the global population’s trust in their guidance.

I won’t spend much time on this point, however, in the international community I learned very quickly to pay attention to those who are speaking the same language.

Seeing as the UN and WEF are no friends to those of us who value true freedom, this is definitely worth noting.

Global Governance

I have highlighted a few of the quotes from the Pact which are of utmost concern seeing as the UN does indeed seek to establish a global government:

“We must renew trust in global institutions”

“A transformation in global governance is essential to ensure that the positive progress we have seen across all three pillars of the work of the United Nations in recent decades does not unravel. We will not allow this to happen.”

“We will transform global governance and strengthen the multilateral system to help us to achieve a world that is safe, peaceful, just, equal, inclusive, sustainable and prosperous.”

This Pact isn’t the first time in recent history that global governance has been discussed by the UN either.

Back in February of this year whilst in Germany, UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, stated that:

“Our world is facing existential challenges,” he said, highlighting the need for “a global order that works for everyone”.

In order to have “a global order that works for everyone,” everyone on the globe must be forced onto the same level, a common element of socialism which leads everyone to equal suffering. (And here I encourage you to do a small exploration of socialism and communism of the past and review their results)

Enter stage, the Pact for the Future which seeks to “Transform global governance:”

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There is much more to say on this point, however, my hope is that you will dig into this Pact for yourselves.


Yes, it is a lot of the same commitments that have already been made in the past, but there will be a push for more of these commitments to be cemented in national policies in the coming years.

I know those inside the UN are terrified of the rise in love of country and those taking a stand for their nation.

And herein lies the key to defeating the globalist agenda – being active within your sphere of influence, building up your home and finding ways to impact your community and nation in the political realm is so important.

Fighting globalists happens by fortifying our nations and that begins within the home by teaching values and principles – this is just as threatening to the global order as being active in the political sphere is!

Both are essential.

Both need strong and wise men and women standing in the gap for their nation, both in prayer and in deed.

I know this can all seem quite daunting, and that’s exactly what globalists want you to feel!

Nothing is new under the sun as the Bible states and our God knows the beginning from the end, nothing surprises Him.

We were placed on this earth for such a time as this! God set us here on this earth to accomplish a great mission and taking a stand against wickedness in this generation is a part of it!

So if globalists feel emboldened to push their wicked agenda, then so shall we in pushing against it with truth and by exposing the darkness.


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Tags: Global Government, New York City, Summit for the Future, UN Summits and Commissions, Was A Global Government Just Established?

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