“We Will Not Comply,” Says Arizona Pastor

We Will Not Comply Says Arizona Pastor - Encounter Today - Blog

In a recent sermon, Pastor Mark Driscoll of Trinity Church in Scottsdale, Arizona, shared an engaging story about civil disobedience while addressing a local government issue concerning a temporary sign on their property that reads “Jesus Christ 24.”

Driscoll recounted how he was preparing his sermon on civil disobedience for that Sunday when he received an unexpected email from a local official about the sign erected outside their church.

The email, sent just 34 seconds before the end of the workday, informed the church that it had received complaints regarding their sign and how the sign didn’t appear to meet specific requirements and that it could be subject to removal.

Pastor Mark humorously urged local officials to focus on more pressing matters, saying, “Before you go around collecting signs, figure out how to close the border and take care of people.” He went on to point out to his congregation the irony that amid numerous political signs in the area, the only one generating complaints was the religious one.

Reflecting on the town’s history, Pastor Mark highlighted how Scottsdale was founded in 1888 by U.S. Army chaplain Winfield Scott, who was a pastor that established a church and Bible studies in the town and how these were the priorities of this founder.

In a somewhat joking manner, Pastor Mark stated how Scott probably would have had a “Jesus Christ 1888” sign at the front of his church too!

Emphasizing the importance of choosing not just political leaders but also one’s eternal savior, he stated, “Politicians come and go, but Jesus Christ and his kingdom endure forever.”

In response to the government’s request, Pastor Mark announced plans to keep the sign up and even ordered additional lawn signs for his congregation, declaring, “We will not comply; we will multiply,” inviting congregants to pick up their signs in the coming week.

“I’ve been teaching the Bible for more than three decades and have constant collisions with woke culture,” he said, and it doesn’t look like he will be stopping any time soon.

This light-hearted yet defiant stance reflects a growing trend of emerging boldness amongst church leaders all across the United States who are vocal about their beliefs in the face of governmental tyranny.

Religious leaders known as the Black Robe Regiment were those accredited with winning the Revolutionary War here in America, and this next battle for the soul of our country requires the “pulpits to thunder” as our second President John Adams once rejoiced over.

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Tags: "We Will Not Comply" Says Arizona Pastor, Arizona, Jesus Christ 1888, Jesus Christ 24, Pastor Mark Driscoll, Scottsdale Arizona, Trinity Church

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