Catholic’s Funded To Help Illegal Migration?

Catholic’s Funded To Help Illegal Migration - Encounter Today - Blog

The State Department has called upon many religious institutions for help in addressing a number of issues in the past such as the resettlement of legitimate immigrants. The Catholic Church is amongst those who have answered the call.

That help, however, has turned from the legitimate assistance of immigrants in need to an “illegal immigration complex” worth billions according to the Heritage foundation.

Liberal groups have recognized that most people will shy away from criticizing the Democrat’s use of NGOs and faith-based organizations to mask the flow of federal money into illegal migration efforts but what others ignore we pay attention to.

As such, we must first begin at the top of the Catholic food chain with Pope Francis, a leftist globalist from Argentina, who has made the defense of illegal immigration a cornerstone of his papacy.

His defense of this form of illegal actions has given priests from all across the globe an excuse to fall in line with the current political stances of their governments who condone nationalism in favor of the globalist ideal – no nations with distinct cultures and beliefs.

One group seemingly in line with this agenda is the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops but why would they be?

With a sharp decline in weekly Mass attendance since the COVID era, there’s been a desperation amongst church leaders to fill both pews and collection plates, both of which affects the church’s ability to continue funding their charitable efforts.

And here’s where Catholic organizations come into the equation – they are among the top beneficiaries of federal immigration funds which have skyrocketed since Joe Biden took office. Coincidence?

Take the non-governmental organization known as the Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Galveston which brought in $44 million in 2018 and as of 2021, has seen an increase in revenue reaching $217 million.

Meanwhile, the Catholic Charities of Fort Worth earned $31 million in 2019 but also saw an increase in 2023, bringing in $146 million.

“Catholic Charities and other non-government organizations have been working with the Biden administration to help move migrants across the country,” says the Heritage Foundation who has previously reported on this matter.

According to Heritage’s Oversight Project Director, Mike Howell:

“What we discovered … is that a large network of non-profits, non-governmental organizations, NGOs for short, down at the border are acting as a massive way point and resettlement program.”

“Basically what happens is border patrol turns over overflow of illegal aliens to facilities on the border. These NGO facilities then take care of lodge and care and travel to disperse legal aliens throughout the country,” Howell reported.

Criminal aliens are being sent everywhere. This was discovered by the team at Heritage.

Howell says, “What we found is they’re virtually going to every single congressional district in the US mainland.”

“And the way we proved this was we went out and we bought bulk cell phone data that pinged the location data of the cell phones. And so we geofenced it to these NGOs, tracked the anonymized cell phones throughout the country.”

“And then when the numbers came back and the data came back, shocker, they’re going to every congressional district. And this is just a one-month period and only 30,000 total devices. And so the spread is complete throughout the entire country,” he added.

From 2008 to 2022, Catholic Charities received roughly $3 billion in federal aid with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) acting as a central hub as it is the largest grantee of subawards in the country.

For instance, Catholic Charities receives both direct federal funding and substantial subawards from the USCCB.

In 2022, Forbes highlighted that Catholic Charities USA was the 13th-largest U.S. charity, with $1.4 billion of its $4.7 billion total revenue coming from government support. That’s a hearty sum for the government to be granting to one organization.

Also of considerable interest is how, over the last 16 years, Democrats have held the White House for 12 of those years whilst Republicans have only been in office for four of those 16 years. So why have leftist administrations prioritized funding this specific charity?

Two years ago, House Republicans wrote a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas demanding an answer as to why the Biden administration was “allowing non-governmental organizations … the freedom to aid and abet illegal aliens.”

Catholic Charities USA as also sent a letter which demanded the organization preserve documents “related to any expenditures submitted for reimbursement from the federal government related to migrants encountered at the southern border,” … “This applies to all funds associated with shelter, food, transportation, basic health and first aid, COVID-19 testing and associated medical care needed during quarantine and isolation, and other supportive services.”

The letter concluded stating: “Next Congress, we will continue to investigate your organization’s role in facilitating the border crisis, your potential violations of federal law, and your misuse of taxpayer funds.”

In short, the globalist Left and the Biden Administration are leveraging faith-based organizations to continue federal funding for illegal immigration while diverting attention from its severe impacts.

Faith based organizations all across America do incredible work, helping the poor, rescuing survivors of trafficking, assisting legal immigrants, feeding the poor and so much more, as for the organization we’ve discussed in the above article, a redirection in priorities and focus towards those the Bible actually calls to would be wise.

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Tags: Catholic Charities, Catholic's Funded To Help Illegal Migration?, Illegal Migration, the Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Galveston, The Catholic Church

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