Will 25 Million Ineligible Voters Cast Ballots?

Will 25 Million Ineligible Voters Cast Ballots - Encounter Today - Blog

25 million ineligible names on voter rolls all across the United States are being monitored by True The Vote who will engage law enforcement and “litigation partners” if any of these names vote in the 2024 election.

Catherine Engelbrecht, Founder of True The Vote, came out stating that her team are “watching to see if those ineligible records go on to cast ballots. That’s something that we will immediately report to the proper authorities and to our litigation partners.”

Last year, Judicial Watch took Los Angeles County officials to court which ultimately forced them to remove 1.2 million names from their voter rolls.

Meanwhile, just this week, election officials began making changes to the automatic voter registration system in Minnesota upon discovering problematic entries.

Minnesota’s Secretary of State’s Office stated that there are more than 90,000 people who have been registered or pre-registered since April, when Minnesota’s new system went live.

Interestingly, residents applying for and receiving state-issued IDs are now automatically registered to vote without having to opt in if they meet legal criteria.

Public Safety Commissioner Bob Jacobson stated on how this update has reportedly caused roughly one percent of these automatic registrations to be flagged as potential problems.

Around 1,000 voter registrations will be kept “inactive” until the names, addresses and citizenship status are confirmed, said

Ensuring voters registered through the system meet the eligibility criteria will be checked, says Secretary of State Steve Simon.

Republican legislators raised questions about the automatic voter registration system earlier this month.

Meanwhile, in Oregon, which has a similar automatic registration system, officials have stated that the state has mistakenly registered more than 300 non-citizens as voters since 202.

The State is describing this as a “data entry issue,” however, when the Oregon Department of Transportation conducted an analysis, it revealed how 306 non-citizens were registered to vote.

Of those 306 non-citizens, only two have voted in elections since 2021. This is a clear violation of both state and federal laws which prohibit non-citizens from voting in national and local elections.

Speaking of what is and isn’t legal, New York City passed a law which permitted non-citizens to vote in local elections. Although the bill was shot down by a superior court due to its unconstitutionality, it inspired several other Democrat cities to move in a similar direction.

May there be a swift turn around on this matter!

May truth and justice be upheld. May there be a shaking amongst those in positions of authority to seek and pursue truth leading up to this election and may they do that which is in their power to protect American’s right to vote. May our leaders be stirred to do that which is right above that which is politically expedient.

And above all, may the hearts of the people be turned towards God this election season for we know that when the hearts of man turn away from their wicked ways and they seek God’s face, He hears their prayers and will heal their land.

“if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

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Tags: 25 Million Ineligible Voters, Ballots, Election, Ineligible Voters, US Election 2024, Will 25 Million Ineligible Voters Cast Ballots?

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