Six Signs You Trust The Media Too Much

Six Signs You Trust The Media Too Much - Encounter Today - Blog

Reprint from Clear Truth Media by Jamie Bambrick – Editor-In-Chief, Clear Truth Media.

If you were duped by any of the following things and still trust the media, you trust them too much. You believed in…

1 – Russian Collusion

Remember how Donald Trump swept to power in 2016, backed by huge Russian bot farms pumping out endless pro-Trump propaganda, clearly empowered by Vladimir Putin? At least, that’s what we were told, repeatedly, for years, by the mainstream media, and even his presidential opponent Hillary Clinton pushed the theme.

And then it turned out this was completely false, and Trump’s presidency was the only one in which Putin didn’t start a new conflict. Strange.

We also haven’t heard anything about it in years, and there has been no reckoning.

Bear in mind, we were also told just four years later that questioning election integrity is the worst thing in human history.

2 – ‘Horse Dewormer’

Ivermectin was discovered in 1975, and “has had an immeasurably beneficial impact in improving the lives and welfare of billions of people throughout the world.” Originally used mainly for animals, it was found to combat two of the world’s worst diseases that particularly affected the poor, for a very good price. Its discovery was even worthy of a Nobel Prize.

So when people started being prescribed it by doctors as a potential covid treatment, it was strange that the entire news media decided it should be referred to as ‘horse dewormer’, yeah? Nah, that’s totally normal.

3 – Completely Safe And Effective

Covid vaccines arrived with promises of 95% efficacy in preventing covid infection(!), and we were told you were 32,000 times more likely to die if you were not double-jabbed. And of course, the mantra told by everyone from politicians to media figures to doctors was “completely safe and effective”. So confident was everyone in the ability of these injections that mandates and passports were pushed across the globe.

Also, remember how ‘doing your own research’ was considered verboten, even though if you pause for just a second you realize that anyone saying that is in fact saying, “Don’t read.” Hmmm. Nope, we wouldn’t want people doing that now, would we?

It turned out that these vaccines didn’t prevent covid at all – so much for that 95% claim – and that whilst it still seems they were able to lower death rates among the old and infirm, they also had potential undisclosed nasty side effects for the young and healthy for whom covid posed no serious risk. Even mainstream news outlets are now finally reporting vaccine-related deaths among those pressured into taking it.

4 – The Russians Took Hunter’s Laptop, Or Something

Those pesky Russians really are to blame for a whole lot of stuff. That includes, apparently, forcing Hunter Biden to abandon it in a computer repair shop, and making the computer repair man release the information on it, and Hunter Biden to subsequently sue him over the release of the personal information on the laptop, in spite of the fact that the FBI told the media that the whole story was made up by Putin et al.

I can’t believe Hunter Biden would sue someone over a laptop that was not real. Amazing. Also now in 2024, that laptop has been used in evidence in criminal trials against Hunter Biden. Which I know looks like that would imply its veracity, but if the intelligence agencies say it doesn’t, who is anyone to think otherwise?

Oh, on an unrelated note, it turns out that If the media hadn’t discredited the Hunter Biden laptop story in 2020, then 17% of Biden voters would have flipped their vote and Trump would’ve won.

Got to hand it to those Russians, eh?

5 – Joe Biden: Mental Colossus

Going right back into ancient history, or approximately two months ago, whatever you prefer, the media assured us that despite the inability to say more than two sentences without a gaffe, trains of thought that would conspicuously disappear along the way, and the uncanny ability to get lost when walking off the side of any stage larger than a sofa, the media assured us that Joe Biden was as sharp as a super-duper pointy tack.

Of course, when the debate happened and Biden proudly declared live to millions of potential voters that he “finally beat Medicare”, it was deeply unfortunate that he had apparently developed the most rapid onset dementia in human history. If you believe the media, this hit just prior to him walking on stage, totally without warning.

That being said, he’s still fit to lead the free world until January.

6 – Getting Shot In The Face Is No Big Deal Ackchyually

Speaking of actual ancient history, it’s not like the Presidential candidate of the Republican party was shot in the head a few weeks ago, right? And it’s also not like his protection was under the control of the opposing political party. And it’s also not like there was tons of footage of the shooter walking around, with people pointing him out, shouting things like “He has a gun! He has a gun!” And it’s not like, if that were to happen, it would be in the news cycle for more than a couple of days anyway. And it makes total sense for Google to bury it beneath a whole bunch of other older assassination attempts because who would be interested. And of course the iconic image of him standing up afterwards, bloodied and raising his fist, shouting ‘Fight’ is something that really deserves to be memory-holed and is not among the most moving political moments of our lifetime.

Nothing to see here, Presidential candidates get shot in the head all the time, and we never need to know anything about the shooter or how that happened at all.


If you believe this stuff, and still trust the mainstream media to report the facts in anything resembling an impartial manner, then please send me your email. I know a Nigerian prince who just came into a significant inheritance and would like to share it with you, if you can just help him pay the transaction fee…

Alternatively, Christians could determine not to be idiots.


Jamie Bambrick is Editor-In-Chief for Clear Truth Media which strives to engage culture and restore truth to the public square. Learn more about Clear Truth Media.
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Tags: News
Tags: Completely Safe And Effective, Horse Dewormer, Joe Biden: Mental Colossus, Russian Collusion, Six Signs You Trust The Media Too Much, The Russians Took Hunter’s Laptop, Trust The Media Too Much

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