LGBT activist attacking religious freedom in the Yukon

LGBT Activist Attacks Religious Freedom In The Yukon - Encounter Today - Blog

Reprint from Campaign Life Coalition (CLC) by Jeff Gunnarson National President of Campaign Life Coalition (CLC)

An LGBT activist who, shockingly, works as a teacher in the Yukon’s Catholic school system is attacking the religious freedom rights of Catholic schools.

More specifically, this dissident teacher is trying to cancel a council member of the Catholic Education Association of Yukon (CEAY) for espousing Catholic doctrinal teaching on sin, sexuality and the Christian definition of marriage.

The CBC – Canada’s pro-LGBT, state broadcaster – reports that Tamara Boiteau, a teacher with Holy Family Catholic Elementary School in Whitehorse, was triggered at a council meeting in June at the sound of Catholic moral teaching being uttered.

It’s so shocking isn’t it, that a Catholic school meeting might feature Catholic teaching?

Well, no, actually. Not to severely normal, tolerant people. But apparently so to LGBT activists who hate what the Church believes, and take offense at its teachings.

The CBC says Ms. Boiteau wanted to be at this particular meeting due to “heated discussions about the raising of Pride flags at Catholic schools in the city” which had taken place previously.

And by the way, no Catholic school should ever be allowed to fly a homosexual or transgender “Pride” flag. It’s a symbol of grave sin that can never be accepted or promoted by a Catholic institution.

Going back to Ms. Boiteau, what set her off that night?

Well, one of the council members, who was NOT identified in the report, is alleged to have said, and I quote, that “marriage is between a man and a woman and that Pride and homosexuality are the number one deadly sin.”

So what if she said that?

I largely agree with that statement!

Christians have always believed pride is the most deadly of the seven deadly sins, that homosexual acts are sinful, and marriage can only be between one man and one woman.

In fact, these truths come straight out of the Catechism of the Catholic Church!

So, where exactly did the CEAY council member say anything wrong?

I don’t see a controversy.

Rather, I see a hateful, spiteful and discriminatory attack against people of faith.

Ms. Boiteau, the LGBT complainant claimed that she was literally “vibrating and shaking” to the point where she had to walk out of the meeting.

Well, that’s her free choice.

If she disagrees with other people’s religious beliefs, she has the right to leave.

However, she has no right to eradicate Catholic teaching from the Catholic school environment, just because she disagrees with it.

In fact, if she disagrees this much with Catholic doctrine on sin and sexual morality, she should not be teaching in a Catholic school! Period.

The right thing for her to do would be to quit, and go apply for a job in the secular, public school system.

It’s shocking to me that anyone would have that kind of reaction when you consider the context.

Holy Family Elementary School, after all, is named in honour of the Holy Family – Jesus, Mary, and St. Joseph.

Not only that, the reason for the existence of the CEAY is to help parents form children into Bible-believing, faithful Catholics who accept and practice what the Church teaches.

Lynch the Christian!

Ms. Boiteau and the shamefully biased CBC have put out what’s tantamount to a modern-day lynching call for the un-named, female Catholic school councillor.

They’ve vilified her as somehow being an evil person, exposing her to further reprisals and persecutions once her name gets revealed, and demanded that she be “fired” from her elected council position, without a democratic vote!

This leftist CBC smear job is demanding that the Ministry of Education go to a judge and request permission to “un-elect” her via judicial fiat, without a vote by the electors, using a distorted and dishonest interpretation of a section of Yukon’s Education Act.

So much for “tolerance”, eh?

The CBC and this activist teacher seem to think that Holy Family Elementary School should abandon its religious r’aison d’etre and replace it with the decidely anti-Christian philosophy of the SOGI program (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity).

What Ms. Boitreau and the CBC ignore, is that these faith-based schools exist to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ, not homosexual propaganda and gender ideology.

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Tags: Canada, Catholic School, LGBT activist, LGBT activist attacking religious freedom in the Yukon, religious freedom in the Yukon, Yukon

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