Vermont Vaccinating Kids Against Parents’ Wishes?

Vermont Vaccinating Kids Against Parents' Wishes - Encounter Today - Blog

Vermont’s Supreme Court has ruled public officials are legally protected from any liability when violating the instructions of parents who don’t want their children vaccinated.

After the Windham Southeast School District “mistakenly” administered a dose of Pfizer’s COVID “vaccine” to Dario and Shujen Politella’s son, the family issued a lawsuit against the school district as the couple had clearly communicated their son was not to be vaccinated to which the vice principal agreed.

Mark Speno, the school’s Superintendent, stated that the staff at the school were “deeply sorry that this mistake happened, and have worked internally to improve our screening procedures.”

The Politella’s son “verbally protested” being given the injection after being removed from his classroom by “an unidentified worker” who, apparently, had mistaken him for another child.

According to the ruling, those who administer the “covered countermeasure” of the COVID “vaccines” are protected seeing as Vermont’s state constitution, healthcare bill of rights and various other state laws are all overridden by the federal Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act.

The ruling reads: “Other state courts faced with similar facts” have come to this very conclusion and this includes “claims based on the failure to secure parental consent.”

Unfortunately, for the Politella family, seeking justice for what has happened to their son, as well as to their rights as parents, will have to take a new route.

Zooming out from this singular issue, however, it’s easy to see how the government effectively granted legal protections to Big Pharma and itself to inject your child with vaccines without your consent.

There is a clear case here of misconduct on the side of the school which is important to note and is a point which should be focused on for the sake of families at present and the generations who will inhabit Vermont for years to come.


There are three areas in the Bible that we, as children of God, can learn from in order to argue against forced vaccinations, and they are: respect for personal autonomy, the sanctity of bodily integrity, and the importance of informed consent.

Here are just a few Biblical principles which address various aspects surrounding the ethical concerns of forced vaccinations:

1. Respect for Parental Rights

God gives children to one father and one mother and not to a government or a community or any other entity, He gave them to parents and therefore, places the responsibility upon that mother and father to raise that child and along with those responsibilities are rights to lead that child in the ways that they see fit.

  • Deuteronomy 6:6-7 (NIV): “These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”

Explanation: This verse underscores the role of parents in guiding and making decisions for their children. Forced vaccinations undermine parental authority and the vital role parents play in making critical decisions about their children’s health.

2. Sanctity of Bodily Integrity

The Bible recognizes the importance of respecting one’s body and maintaining its integrity.

  • 1 Corinthians 6:19-20: “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”

Explanation: This passage highlights the concept of the body as a temple of the Holy Spirit, highlighting that we all have a sacred duty to respect and protect our own bodily integrity. Forcing medical procedures on individuals, especially without their consent, is one form of this principle being violated.

3. Principle of Informed Consent and Personal Choice

Throughout the Bible, thoughtful consideration and personal decision-making, which aligns with the principle of informed consent, is consistently advocated for.

  • James 1:5: “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

Explanation: This verse encourages seeking wisdom and making informed decisions. Forced vaccinations bypass the process of informed consent, denying individuals the opportunity to seek wisdom and make their own choices about their health.

4. Ethical Use of Authority

The Bible advises that authority should be exercised with justice and respect for individuals’ rights for those in positions of leadership are there as stewards not as dictators.

  • Romans 13:1-2: “Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted.”

Explanation: While this passage supports the legitimacy of authority, it also implies that such authority should act justly and respect individuals’ rights. However, if those in authority call for the believer to sin, then we are called to disobey those persons as we obey God first and foremost. Therefore, forced vaccinations can be seen as a misuse of authority, as they impose medical treatments on individuals without their consent.


The Bible promotes the values of bodily integrity, informed decision-making, and understanding our authority.

Forced vaccinations violate the ethical and spiritual guidelines as they infringe upon personal and parental rights, disregarding the sanctity of the body, bypassing informed consent, and potentially causing harm.

Thus, from a biblical perspective, respecting individuals’ choices and treating them with dignity aligns with that which is taught to us in Scripture.

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Tags: Children Vaccinations, Vaccination Policies, Vaccinations, Vermont, Vermont Vaccinating Kids Against Parents' Wishes?

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