LGBT ‘Promotion’ Banned In Bulgarian Schools

LGBT ‘Promotion’ Banned In Bulgarian Schools - Encounter Today - Blog

Bulgaria’s parliament has amended its education law in order to protect the country’s youth from LGBT “propaganda” being shared in the classroom.

A large majority of lawmakers passed the amendment with 159 voting in favor of the changes with a mere 22 votes against and 12 absentee votes.

“Propaganda, promotion or incitement in any way, directly or indirectly, in the education system of ideas and views related to non-traditional sexual orientation and/or gender identity other than the biological one” are now banned under the new law.

An additional, critical step was taken to define “non-traditional sexual orientation” as “different from the generally accepted and established notions in the Bulgarian legal tradition of emotional, romantic, sexual or sensual attraction between persons of opposite sexes”.

In 2021, Hungary passed a similar law, banning the promotion of LGBTQ lifestyles to children, so Bulgaria isn’t alone. In fact, this is a growing trend amongst nations who are in the European Union.

The United Nations human rights office has since urged Bulgaria to reconsider the amendment, with a spokeswoman for the saying:

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“We are deeply concerned by the signing into law of a legislative amendment in Bulgaria prohibiting discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity in schools and urge for it to be reconsidered in line with the country’s international human rights obligations,” spokeswoman Elizabeth Throssell said in a statement.

“Addressing stigma and disinformation is critical to promoting acceptance and tolerance, and to building inclusive societies that respect and uphold the human rights of all.”


No one elected the United Nations to govern Bulgaria, so their comments on this matter, although they make it into the news cycle, mean very little. Their comments more so expose the organization of their bias and their anti-national sovereignty stance as it is up to nations (the citizenry through the people she elects) to decide their own policies.

On this note, it is interesting to see that it is the dissemination of LGBT information to children of which the United Nations takes issue with.

Well here’s something the United Nations needs to remember: It is the people of a nation that make up the fabric of that region, along with its values and traditions. All of these elements are then reflected in the law of that nation. It should be incomprehensible to us that an outside body which is unelected and accountable only unto itself, would have the audacity to try and sway or bully (as the United Nations so often does) a nation into complying with their set of standards or values.

Take into consideration how Bulgaria also doesn’t recognize same-sex unions as “marriage” and refuses to ratify the Istanbul Convention which says its purpose is to combat violence against women when it actually seeks to force countries into recognizing there is a “third gender.”

Approaching another nation’s politics requires an understanding of her people and her values, the United Nations has clearly forgotten this is necessary.


Finding ways to protect the innocence of childhood is paramount, as from this comes crucial development and a comprehensiveness to the totality of a well rounded individual.

Sadly, this isn’t a priority of many governments, for Bulgaria, however, it is and that is something worth celebrating.

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Tags: Bulgaria, Bulgarian Schools, LGBT ‘Promotion’ Banned, LGBT ‘Promotion’ Banned In Bulgarian Schools

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