Tim Walz Has Abnormal Relationship with the CCP

Tim Walz Has Abnormal Relationship with the CCP - Encounter Today - Blog

Reprint from The Washington Stand by Sarah Holliday – a reporter at The Washington Stand.

Last week, Vice President Kamala Harris chose Minnesota Governor Tim Walz (D) to be her running mate in the 2024 presidential election. “As governor,” The Washington Stand reported, Walz “has signed abortion-expanding legislation, placed transgender ideology over parents’ rights, and limited religious liberty.” The Harris-Walz ticket has been classified by former President Donald Trump as “the most Radical Left duo in American history,” and others have described them as what could be “the most … dangerous administration in modern history.”

The controversy surrounding the vice president and her running mate is strong. And yet, as more information surfaces about the Minnesota governor, the more experts sound the alarm that he is someone Americans should keep their eye on. The latest concern surrounds Walz’s 30-year-long relationship with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). .

“Walz and his supporters would like us to believe that his cozy ties to the … CCP are not unusual,” the Government Accountability Institute’s Seamus Bruner wrote in an article published on Breitbart. But in reality, “Walz has an abnormal relationship with China.” The governor has expressed after previous trips to the country how he “will never be treated that well again,” and that his time in China chalks up to being “excellent” experiences in which he’s “lavished” with “more gifts than [he] could bring home.”

Additionally, Walz and his wife also spent their honeymoon in China on the Tiananmen Square massacre’s fifth anniversary in 1994. As some have pointed out, this brutal massacre killed up to 10,000 people, including children and the elderly. But according to Mrs. Walz, her husband chose that day to get married because he “wanted to have a date he’ll always remember.” As guest host and former Congressman Jody Hice pointed out on Monday’s episode of “Washington Watch,” the question is whether Walz “[cozied] up with China simply because he’s naïve, or is there more behind all of this?”

Bruner replied that “Walz has been cozying up to America’s number one adversary for … 30-plus years.” In that time frame, the governor has taken at least 30 trips to the country, many of which involved his company start-up, Educational Travel Adventures Incorporated, that brings “American students to China.” As Hice noted, “[T]hat’s just the beginning of it” considering “there’s also [been] visits with diplomats from the CCP and even some of them attending his gubernatorial inauguration.” It’s “pretty alarming,” he insisted.

Considering the skeptical nature of Walz’s relationship with China, Bruner pointed out how both Harris and Walz try “to downplay and make it sound like” all his trips to the foreign country are “ancient history.” But the truth is, Walz “traveled [there] as recently as 2015.” And now as governor, he’s been visited by Chinese diplomats who have said they “can’t wait to form more lasting ties between the state of Minnesota and China.”

But as Bruner went on to say, these larger details help draw attention to the smaller aspects of what’s happening in Walz’s state. As he explained, there are at least seven “overseas service centers” in the U.S., which are essentially “secret police stations” run by Beijing. “And … what do these things do?” Bruner asked. “They go and round up … harass, and intimidate former Chinese citizens who have immigrated to the United States as … people critical of the Communist Party” in order to “harass [and] intimidate them and their families.”

And one of these centers, he emphasized, “is operating right out of Minnesota, the Twin Cities, and is close with Tim Walz.” As Bruner summarized, “We’ve never seen a governor with such cozy ties to the communists in Beijing.”

Ultimately, “What … does Minnesota have to do with China?” Bruner asked. “[W]e don’t know all that much about its activities, but we do know that the Justice Department has indicted a different overseas service center for exactly those activities,” that is, “harassing and intimidating dissidents.” All of this, Bruner contended, “makes Tim Walz a person worthy of further investigation.”

Hice agreed, ranking these findings as “unbelievably disturbing.” But “of course,” he added, “there’s been … a long history of the governor making … outlandishly pro-communist China comments.” What history shows, Bruner argued, is that Walz’s critiques of America are bold and obvious, but when it comes to China, “It’s all very muted criticism.” But it doesn’t end with Walz.

As Bruner put it, “The bottom line is that Walz and Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi and all of these high-ranking progressives, they’re all pretty muted on China. Every once in a while, they’ll have a criticism. But we find time and again, especially with the Biden family, they had business deals with China, and that is why they don’t speak so strongly in condemnation of the human rights [violations].”

According to Hice, “Everybody needs to be taking this information in,” — not only because it’s “exceedingly alarming,” but because it’s an issue, “that the Harris-Walz administration cannot be trusted to secure.”

As Bruner emphasized, “A lot of … good, patriotic Americans can’t fathom the fact that the elite political class in Washington, and this includes members on both sides, actually like China. They actually admire” and “praise” the Chinese system. “[G]o to Tim Walz’s own statements,” and “he equates socialism to ‘neighborliness.’ … [I]t’s really shocking stuff.”

“It really is,” Hice concluded. “And I would think with all of that, it’s probably safe to assume that the Chinese Communist Party would prefer Donald Trump not return to the White House.”

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Tags: Chinese Communist Party, Kamala Harris' VP, Tim Walz, Tim Walz Has Abnormal Relationship with the CCP

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