Did Texas Just Become Abortion Free?

Did Texas Just Become Abortion Free - Encounter Today - Blog

A groundbreaking new report confirms the monumental success of Texas’s pro-life laws, showing a dramatic drop in elective abortions to virtually “zero.”

According to the Texas Alliance for Life and the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, since the U.S. Supreme Court rightfully overturned Roe v. Wade, Texas has seen fewer than 70 elective abortions, with no reported cases at all over the past two years.

The Texas Alliance for Life highlighted that in the 21 months following the Supreme Court’s historic decision to return decisions over abortion back to the States, elective abortions in Texas plummeted from thousands each month to a remarkable zero.

Before the Supreme Court’s pivotal Dobbs decision, Texas was burdened with over 2,000 elective abortions per month.

Right before Roe v. Wade was overturned, there were over 2,000 elective abortions in Texas, with February having 2,513, March and April both saw over 3,000, and May and June were similarly high.

However, right after the overturn of Roe v. Wade, elective abortions fell sharply to just 67 in July 2022 and ever since the enforcement of Texas’s “Human Life Protection Act” which began in August 2022, the state reported zero elective abortions.

The “Human Life Protection Act” firmly establishes in Texas law that an “unborn child” is a human being from fertilization until birth whilst prohibiting anyone from knowingly performing or attempting an abortion, with violations classified as a second-degree felony.

If an abortion results in the death of an unborn child, it escalates to a first-degree felony, potentially punishable by life imprisonment under Texas law. Although temporarily blocked in 2023 due to a lawsuit, the Act was rightfully reinstated by the Texas Supreme Court in May of this year.


These wins may be in for some turbulence if the Harris-Walz administration gains power, however, as it is certain that with that administration’s pro-abortion policies, they will seek to reverse these pro-life gains.

After years of advocating for a culture of life, pro-life states are now making some credible headway and this is thanks to all those pro-lifers who have worked to establish pro-life protections.

Voters of all political stripes are inspired by those who take a strong and principled stand, this is what keeps those who are adamant whilst attracting those who are looking for strong leadership.


Every individual is created in the image of God and possesses intrinsic value and, therefore, deserves our respect and protection.

Genesis 1:27 states, “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them” and if we read the entirety of Genesis 1, we would see how the only point in all of creation which God made in His likeness and image was humanity!

Humanity was then set above all of creation which speaks to the immense value we have from the moment of our conception.

The sacredness of life is thus seen as an extension of God’s creative act, where each person is endowed with purpose and worth by the Creator.

Psalm 139:13-16 further reinforces this view by highlighting the intimate involvement of God in the formation of human life:

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

This passage underscores the absolute truth of God’s Word which is backed up by science which says that life begins in the womb and is a deliberate act of divine craftsmanship and God’s divine involvement in the creation of life. This alone demands a profound respect for every stage of human existence, and should reinforce our commitment to uphold and protect the sanctity of life from conception to its natural end.

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Tags: Abortion, Abortion free, Did Texas Just Become Abortion Free?, Keep abortion legal, Texas, Unborn Children

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