Over 300 Pastors Come Together to Fight Abortion

Over 300 Pastors Come Together to Fight Abortion - Encounter Today - Blog

Reprint from LifeNews.com by Pro-life Leader Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life

The prayer of the group was that future generations would look back to this gathering of pastors in Frisco, TX in the summer of 2024 as an historic point in the revival of America.

“Liberty Pastors,” an initiative operating under “The Remnant Alliance” brought about 300 pastors together from July 31 to August 2 to pray together, share meals, and listen to speakers who are experts in the intersection of religion and politics.

I was privileged to speak to them about how the Church responds to abortion. I shared the stage with Pastor Paul Blair, who leads Liberty Pastors, with Pastor Jim Garlow, renowned for his role years ago in the successful passage of Proposition 8 that defended traditional marriage in California, and with Steve Deace, conservative media personality who wrote the book at the basis of the film “Nefarious” and is now working on its sequel.

Also on the speaking agenda was General Michael Flynn, an American hero, a target of the weaponized government, and one of the top intelligence officers our country has ever had. Likewise on the agenda were Pastor Rick Scarborough (Recover America), Charlie Kirk (Turning Point USA), and others.

Several key themes that marked both the presentations and also the convictions in the hearts of these pastors were that, first of all, the political divide in our nation is not just a competition of policies, but of ideologies, and that only one of the competing ideologies lines up with the Word of God.

We are criticized for being “Christian nationalists.” On the opposite side of that equation, however, are atheistic globalists.

Another strong theme was that Christian engagement requires political engagement. Liberty Pastors gatherings begin with a question: “Over what part of your life is Jesus not the Lord?” And from there we explore the meaning of voting like a disciple.

At the same time, the pastors expressed unanimously that the current systems and processes of our government are not working the way they should. General Flynn – who, on the right to life, described himself as “a moment-of-conception type of guy”—brought us behind the scenes as to how the deep state operates, and militates against all our rights, starting with life itself.

Yet this does not mean we abandon political involvement. It means we transform it with the Gospel.

The conference led the pastors to commit to implementing projects in their Churches that will educate and activate their congregations in Biblical citizenship. The pastors were connected with the programs and resources of the various ministries represented by the speakers.

In my own remarks, I reminded the pastors that the insanity of our times has its roots in abortion. “Today we can’t say a man is a man or a woman is a woman,” I told them. “Maybe that’s because for 50 years we’ve been saying a baby’s not a baby.”

I told them that when we fight for the rights of the unborn, we are defending the rights of their Creator. I related the story of when, as I was leading a prayer vigil at an abortion mill and one of the men in our group inadvertently had his toes over the property line, a clinic worker came out shouting, “Get your feet off our property.” And I responded, “And when are you going to get your hands off God’s property?!”

I urged the pastors to join the national prayer campaign for our elections at ElectionPrayer.com and we said the prayer together.

At the closing banquet, we reflected with Charlie Kirk on the fact that all of us have a moral duty to keep well informed about what is going on in our nation regarding politics and public policy. We do not have a moral right to “tune out” to these things, because they affect our basic rights, our families, our Churches, our neighbors whom we are called to love, our freedom and our future.

We have to focus on the big stakes in this election and we have to work with every fiber of our being to win. We’re seeing rebellion against God’s truth, coordinated efforts to destroy the freedom of speech and of religion, unprecedented attacks on the unborn, unprecedented weaponization of government against patriots, Christians and pro-life activists, the destruction of our border, wars breaking out all over the world, and the reassertion of tyranny.

We can have no time or patience for small thinking that focuses on whether we like a candidate’s “personality” or language. This is a war for survival, and we need the generals who know how to fight and win.

And that’s the fire burning in the hearts of the Liberty Pastors returning home from Frisco, Texas in the unforgettable summer of 2024.


Explore more ways to join the fight to end abortion, visit Frank Pavone’s site Priests For Life to stay informed and be an active catalyst for change.
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Frank Pavone Author Priests for Life

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Tags: Fight Abortion, Liberty Pastors, Over 300 Pastors Come Together to Fight Abortion, The Remnant Alliance

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