Overpopulation, Truth or Lie?

Overpopulation, Truth or Lie - Encounter Today - Blog

The Myth of Overpopulation: A Critical Examination

The belief that the Earth’s population will soon exceed its carrying capacity, leading to widespread economic or social collapse, is a myth with roots deeply entrenched in historical misconceptions.

Proponents of this overpopulation myth argue that the growing number of people will outstrip the planet’s resources, leading to a cascade of catastrophic consequences: environmental degradation, resource wars, increased poverty, famine, and global climate crises.

These alarmist perspectives have become the foundation for numerous population control policies.


The origins of this myth can be traced back to 1798, when Anglican minister Thomas Malthus published his seminal work, An Essay on the Principle of Population.

Malthus posited that while human populations grow exponentially, agricultural output increases only linearly, as such, he predicted that this imbalance would inevitably lead to what became known as the ‘Malthusian catastrophe.’

This “catastrophe” was a scenario where overpopulation would precipitate widespread famine, disease, and conflict.

Malthus’s theories gained traction among Europe’s elite, who feared that high birth rates among the poor would overwhelm societal structures, leading to dire outcomes.

Despite Malthus’s personal opposition to birth control and abortion on religious grounds, his ideas laid the groundwork for the Neo-Malthusian movement.

This group embraced population control measures, advocating for contraception and other methods to prevent the perceived dangers of overpopulation.

Despite the fact that these practices and beliefs were extremely controversial, Neo-Malthusianism became the first major Western movement to openly support such ideals.

Charles Darwin was so inspired by Malthus’ ideas on population selection that he formulated his theory of evolution based upon it. It also had significant influence in the field of eugenics.

Population Control Today

Since the time of Malthus and Darwin, governments have implemented various population control policies influenced by these theories, often with severe consequences.

One of the world’s most infamous and devastating examples of fears being turned into draconian policies is seen in China’s one-child policy which involved harsh penalties, including fines, arrests, and even forced sterilizations of mothers who were expecting their second child.

Second to this is sex-selective abortions as seen in India which were driven by a cultural preference for boys. This led to the termination of approximately 15.8 million preborn baby girls since 1990.

At this point, the Indian government is considering a two-child policy.

And the final example we will give you comes to us from Latin America where forced sterilization programs have seen women arrested and subjected to abortions.

The United Nations has also promoted controversial ‘education programs’ that condition aid on the acceptance of contraception, abortion, and sterilization in several countries, many of which are on the African continent.

Ironically, while these policies are touted as solutions to overpopulation, many nations are experiencing declining birth rates.

Japan, for instance, is witnessing its lowest fertility rates since 1899, prompting the government to introduce a dating app aimed at encouraging marriage and reversing the trend.

Similarly, the U.S. fertility rate hit a record low in 2023, and similar declines are observed in Australia, New Zealand, and across Europe.

Shockingly, even African birth rates are falling after various governments throughout the continent have seen the shimmer of Western monies, and have, unfortunately neglected to address the strings that are attached to such funding.

These “strings” are representative of an agenda, an agenda which has been permitted to infiltrate schools, universities, government policies and entertainment alike.

And this agenda is filled with the West’s obsession with feminist ideals.

Western donors fund educational initiatives in Africa that promote career-oriented aspirations for young girls while concurrently supporting organizations like Planned Parenthood who provide contraceptives and abortions rather than essential resources like food and clothing.


In considering the Biblical perspective, the myth of overpopulation contrasts sharply with Biblical teachings on human life and God’s commands for all of humanity.

The Bible speaks to the value of human life and the responsibility of stewardship over the earth as see in Genesis 1:28 which says to “be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it.”

Not only does this verse show us God’s endorsement of population growth but it shows us a divine command to do so!

The idea that the Earth cannot sustain its population is at odds with the Biblical perspective of human flourishing and God’s provision.

The narrative of overpopulation, driven by fears and flawed theories, neglects the potential for human innovation and the Biblical call to steward the Earth wisely and compassionately.

God is not a man that He should lie nor does He change His mind!

So for all those “ministers” out there who “preach” that we should be conscientious of the planet and therefore limit how many (if any) children we have is seeking to deceive you and dare I say, rob you of God’s blessing!

So what does God say about children, you may ask?

  1. God says children are a “reward” (Psalm 127:3-5)
  2. God says children are a “crown of the aged” (Proverbs 17:6)
  3. Jesus prioritized children which serves as a display of their value in the family of God (Matthew 19:14, Ephesians 6:1-3)
  4. God says children are an immense blessing (Deuteronomy 7:13)
  5. God says children are a valuable gift to this generation and to the next (Isaiah 44:3)

So all in all, the myth of overpopulation, therefore, represents not a factual inevitability but a misinterpretation of both historical and contemporary realities.

It overlooks the potential for human ingenuity to address resource challenges and fails to align with the Biblical vision of growth and stewardship, prosperity and blessing.


CLICK HERE for more posts by Mattea Merta.

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