GOP Rolls Back Pro-Life, Marriage Stances
Secrecy surrounded proposals to the Republican Party’s platform as President Trump’s team were reportedly trying to see it revamped in many ways, which included on issues of life and marriage.
The 16-page draft was a dramatic update from the 2016 platform:
Protecting life from conception, gone.
Opposition to taxpayer-funded abortion — at home through the Hyde Amendment or abroad through the Mexico City Policy, gone.
Safeguarding children from gender-mutilating surgery, nonexistent.
Support for adoption, nothing.
Maintaining that marriage is between one man and one woman, removed.
Calls for there to be a federal role in limiting abortion, zilch.
Calls to reverse the 2015 Obergefell ruling that legalized homosexual unions, stripped.
Up until now, many of the principles which Americans hold fast to were reflected in the Republican Party’s Platform, but now, the Party has begun a rejection campaign of those very morals and values.
Shockingly, not one of the delegates who walked into the proceedings was even made aware about these changes in advance.
The RNC conducted “this process behind closed doors because they know that the Republican grassroots would never go for this establishment RINO bull****,” one delegate told Politico.
Chairman of the Family Research Council, Tony Perkins, commented on the secrecy of the situation surrounding the platform changes as being “unprecedented.”
All 112 delegates were barred from bringing their cell phones into the room and were denied access to the updated platform and the changes made to it before the proceedings even took place.
In an interview with CBN News, Perkins stated, “That’s not the way conservatives do business… We like sunlight. We want the American people to see what we’re doing and what we have to offer. That’s very concerning to me.”
This game that the Republicans are playing reflects “where the conservative movement, the Republican Party is at. … But it needs to be open. … The American people should be able to see the deliberation, the debate that formulates the vision of the [GOP],” Perkins commented.
Updates to the 2016 Republican Party policies can be seen in the following:
The previous version of the platform reads as:
It can be clearly seen that the 2016 Platform was clearly more comprehensive on life issues than its current standing.
Robbie George, an American legal scholar went on the record, stating:
“Every four years since 1984, socially liberal Republicans, such as the late Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, have sought to remove from the Republican Party platform its plank committing the Party to work for national legislation protecting the constitutional right of unborn children to the equal protection of the laws.”
“The pro-life movement successfully protected the plank every time, fighting off efforts to remove or weaken it, thus ensuring that the Republicans remained a pro-life party.”
“Donald Trump has now, however, succeeded where liberal Republicans of the past failed. He has made Arlen Specter’s dream a reality.”
Perkins, alongside others who sit on the Republican Party Platform Committee, submitted the following minority report to the RNC regarding the adoption of the 2024 GOP platform.
“Not having an opportunity to submit or discuss amendments to the 'draft' platform document, we submit the following expression for the continued protection of the unborn through support of a human life amendment.”
— Tony Perkins (@tperkins) July 9, 2024
This is the minority report that I, and others on the Republican…
One of the predominant concerns with these updates to the Republican Party’s agenda is that a Platform is a guiding document which reveals its principles and standards.
What we know is that over 80% of Republican representatives follow their Party’s Platform through and through, this is cause for immense concern seeing as the updated Platform also removed the Party’s opposition to homosexual “marriage.”
The specific portion removed from the Platform on marriage is seen in the following:
“Traditional marriage and family, based on marriage between one man and one woman, is the foundation for a free society.”
Calls to see this understanding be reflected in the law which included a reversal of the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2015 Obergefell ruling which forced all 50 states to recognize homosexual unions as “marriages” was also stripped.
The standards which were once held by the Republican Party, even if they were merely seen in its guiding documents, are being replaced with centrist garbage which will annihilate much of the true Conservative voter base.
Life is a winning issue and although these portions of the Party Platform have been modified if not entirely removed, there is still no comparison between the stances on life and the family and the two camps with candidates in the race for the White House.
Just because we are witnessing President Trump’s VP candidates and even his campaign team back away from pro-life and pro-family policies doesn’t mean Americans should also take a step backwards.
There has never been a greater point in time to be bold in defense of the pre-born and the formation of marriages as God designed them.
There is a desperate need to hold this one majority Party to account on these issues so that it doesn’t become another lame excuse of a conservative party as seen in Canada’s and the United Kingdom’s so-called “right wing” parties.
This is not a reason to grumble, what good does that do for anyone? It is, however, a reason to be compelled to take action!
Bold leadership is needed from the grassroots because just as with the very structure of our great Republic, it is the leadership who is accountable to the people and not the people to the leadership.
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