The Biden Regime’s Raw Lust For Power Might Save America


Reprint from Clear Truth News by Jamie Bambrick – Editor-In-Chief, Clear Truth Media.

US President Joe Biden’s recent debate performance made one thing clear to even the most ardent Democrats: he is not mentally fit for office. His slurred words, inability to hold a train of thought, and slack-jawed gawking demeanor throughout, though unsurprising to anyone not trapped in a leftist echo-chamber, were broadcast to over 50 million people live and hundreds of millions more online thereafter, and said echo-chamber simultaneously transformed into an auditorium of stunned silence.

The after-party footage of arguably the world’s greatest doctor and world’s worst wife, Jill Biden, congratulating him as one would a three-year-old because he “answered every question!” and his toddlerish reaction were as becoming of a US President as a promise of a lollipop for learning to ride his bike. Coincidentally, that’s something else Joe Biden can no longer do.

The immediate reaction by many on the right was to presuppose that this was some sort of planned set-up, designed to prevent this extraordinarily unpopular President (unpopular in every way except for his 80 million entirely legitimate votes in 2020) and his disastrous policies from being put on the ballot again this coming November.

I do not share such an opinion.

Every report from inside the Democratic establishment was that this was an unforeseen total disaster. A party determined to remove him could have done so much earlier, with a much clearer plan, and with ease considering the extraordinary evidence of corruption and malfeasance that could be leveraged against him.

There is no reason for conservatives to believe that anyone cunning enough to plan such a stinker of a debate, which had the distinct possibility of not happening had he merely performed adequately, would not have come up with something better.

Whilst there may have been some who viewed this as a way to hedge their bets by placing such a debate historically early in June, the fact remains that the Democrats selected him as their nominee when they could have done otherwise, and they would have had the means to force him into accepting a decision to go with someone else.

Whilst the following statement is not meant as some sort of baptism of the RNC as a bastion of moral virtue, but the reason why Republicans cannot comprehend the Democratic establishment’s surprise is because they have failed to account for one ironclad rule of humanity: sin makes you stupid.

What does Romans 1 say after all? “For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things.” (Romans 1:21-23.)

We see time and time again throughout history that evil regimes, even with incalculable power and totalitarian control over their societies, do one thing in common: they make mistakes.

Hitler invades his ally, Russia, and loses World War II as a result; Japan bombs Pearl Harbor and brings American military might into the conflict; an East-German spokesman accidentally reads aloud a note saying that private travel outside the country can take place without prerequisites in a minor press-conference, and the Berlin Wall falls; and the Democrats thought Biden would be able to win in 2024.

This is a party that cannot tell the difference between a boy and girl, or between a family made of two dudes and a family made of a husband and wife, that thinks mass illegal immigration is a good idea, that doesn’t know a 9-month old baby in a womb is in fact a baby, and imagines that printing endless money will do something other than make inflation skyrocket.

It should not surprise us that they might just have believed their own propaganda that Biden was compos mentis. After all, they allowed Kamala Harris, arguably the only person in US politics with a lower approval rating than the President, to become his VP, meaning there is no obvious electable continuity candidate.

From Pharaoh to the Pharisees, God has a history of using people’s sins to bring about their destruction and establish his good rule on the earth, and I believe that this may be exactly what is happening right now with the Democratic party. Or at least, it could be.

Of course there’s a chance they could still pivot and the next US President may be Michelle Obama or Gavin Newsom

But that would be a pirouette worthy of the Bolshoi and, if they pull it off, would be one of the most incredible feats of Machiavellian maneuvering in US history. But once again, my ‘Dems are stupid’ argument comes into effect, and I don’t think they’ll be able to.

Now in saying the following, I am not claiming that a Trump presidency will rescue the United States; merely that a second Biden term, or any Democrat being in that position for the next four years, will all-but guarantee its demise. But at this point, raw lust for power may be what saves America.

A President such as Joe Biden, had he an ounce of care for the wellbeing of the nation, would step aside. A wife such as Jill Biden, had she an ounce of care for her husband, would encourage him to do so.

But of course, stepping aside would allow one of the aforementioned more capable potential candidates to step in, and this would arguably be worse for America, because such a person may actually win.

As such, conservatives should insist on the time-honored constitutional tradition of ‘no take-backs’, and pray that the same clawing, arrogant covetousness that fuelled the machine that brought Biden to power, the same one which used the FBI to suppress the Hunter Biden stories as ‘Russian misinformation’ on social media in November 2020, the same one which brought about mass-mail in voting, the same one that rejected voter ID as racist, and the same one that has trampled every legal norm to prosecute his Presidential opponent Donald Trump, stays just as fixated on remaining in the White House for another four years.

That way, perhaps, they won’t, and God may grant America a bit more time to right the ship.


Jamie Bambrick is Editor-In-Chief for Clear Truth Media which strives to engage culture and restore truth to the public square. Learn more about Clear Truth Media.
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Tags: America's elections, Election 2024, President Donald Trump, President Joe Biden, United States of America

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