CANADA: National “Pride” Flag Walk-Out Day

CANADA- National Pride Flag Walk-Out Day - Encounter Today - Blog

Reprint from Campaign Life Coalition by Jack Fonseca, Director of Political Operations, CLC

There was a widespread media blackout on coverage of our second annual National “Pride” Flag Walk-Out Day, but the truth must be told, hence this update.

The Walk-Out Days were held in protest of the insidious LGBT indoctrination taking place in classrooms across Canada, and we planned them to coincide with all the days on which schools were likely to raise the LGBT Pride Flag in honor of transgender and homosexual Pride Month.

We believe it was a smashing success, just like last year, and I’ll get into some evidence for that shortly.

School Boards and Mainstream Media Hiding Absence Rates

Unfortunately, we don’t have direct access to absence figures.

Believe it or not, each school board would ask for hundreds of dollars if we submitted a Freedom of Information Request to demand the absence numbers from May 31 – June 4. I guess the fees are their way of circumventing the Freedom of Information law, to ensure that it’s difficult for the public to find out what’s going on. So much for transparency!

In 2023, after the inaugural National “Pride” Flag Walk-Out Day, we were able to confirm absence rates between 30% to 75% in many school boards.

However, the only reason we were able to get those figures was because journalists spoke to school officials and teachers’ unions to obtain the data, and then published the details in news articles.

The success of the 2023 Walk-Out then fueled the Million Person March 4 Children protests on September 20, 2023, which saw massive parental rights rallies at school boards and city halls across Canada. These subsequent protests were organized by the Hands Off Our Kids group, along with other parental rights leaders (especially from within Muslim communities).

Strikingly, since this year’s 2024 National “Pride” Flag Walk-Out Day, no mainstream media outlet has been curious enough to publish a story about the event and the mass student absences that ensued.

Why could that be?

Well, it seems to me quite possible that the liberal, pro-LGBT mainstream media outlets like CBC, CTV, Global News, and The Toronto Star deliberately avoided reporting any absence rates because they’re hoping to suck the oxygen out of the parental rights movement.


To prevent our Walk-Out Day campaign from fuelling another massive, Million Person March 4 Children and similar protest actions.

Huge Absence Rates Confirmed in June 2024, despite media blackout

Despite the lack of news reports, we were nonetheless able to obtain intel about mass absences through parents and local activists at some individual schools.

For instance, our friend Kamel El-Cheikh from was personally involved in organizing walkouts at four French public schools in the Ottawa area. Those schools had a massive number of students stay home, or in one case, literally walk out of school!

Here are the figures for those schools:


From a total of 738 students, 591 boycotted the LGBT Pride Flag ceremony on June 4th. That’s a whopping 80% of the student body! Classes apparently had to be consolidated for the remaining 147 students, 50% of which asked not to take part in Pride activities.


225 students stayed home on June 3rd.


160 students walked out of their classrooms and went home with their parents on June 3rd following an Instagram live broadcast by Kamel, which he began just before the planned “Pride” Flag raising, and in which he called out to local parents to come take their kids out.

The parents came, and took their kids home, leaving school staff bewildered (pictured above). Kamel’s protest actually delayed the flag raising, so by the time staff hoisted up the LGBT emblem, many kids were already out of the school!


50 students stayed home in protest of the LGBT Pride flag.

Through inside intel sources available to him, Kamel was able to confirm that across the 31 French public schools in the Ottawa area, a 70% average absence rate was observed!

There were indications of large absence rates in other school boards, too.

One mom with a child at James L. Dunn Public School in Windsor, ON, shared with us that she had recruited up to 20 families to keep their kids home, adding:

“I won’t co-parent my children with strangers! We can do this!”.

Another mom at Primrose Central Public School in Melancthon, ON, (north of Orangeville) told us she knew of 10 families participating in the walk-out. She explained her motivation for participating as follows:

“I feel that this can be super confusing for kids to be given a ‘choice’ of their sex, especially when they are not mature enough to even think of all the complications/ implications it can have on their lives! It is a parents responsibility to teach this, not the schools!”

A third parent from St. Maurice Catholic School in Toronto informed us that at least eight families would be keeping their children out of school in protest of the LGBT flag.

If you have statistics or stories to share with us about the absence rate in your school during the May 31 to June 4th campaign, please let us know, by emailing

Or, perhaps you have a friendly contact inside your school board or local school who might be willing to share attendance figures with you?

Record Number of Provinces

The second annual National “Pride” Flag Walk-Out Day set a new record in 2024.

Eight provinces in total participated in the walk-out campaign, compared with seven the year before.

The participating provinces in 2024 include: British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick.

Multiple “Pray-In” Events Made a Visible Impact

In Ontario, we added a spiritual element to our National “Pride” Flag Walk-Out Day.

It was in the form of “Pray-Ins” that were organized at a few Catholic school boards and Catholic Bishops’ offices.

The purpose was to ask God to move Catholic education leaders – both Trustees and Bishops – to stop the scandal of allowing the sinful symbol of homosexual and transgender lifestyles to be flown on Catholic school properties.

Over 120 supporters turned out in Burlington, Elmvale, Hamilton, Ottawa, and Toronto to make their opposition to the “Pride” flag known and to pray that leaders in the education system and the Church might have the courage to do the same.

In Ottawa, we had 60 people praying outside the Catholic school board office.

At the Toronto Catholic District School Board, a dozen Catholics held signs like “Yes to Jesus, No to Pride”, asking trustees to stop promoting anti-Catholic sexual ideology.

At the Hamilton Diocese office of Bishop Douglas Crosby, we had about two dozen Catholics praying for God to help the bishop fulfill his obligation of spiritual leadership in this matter.

In Elmvale, ON, we even had one supporter organize a pray-in in her small town, despite there being no bishop’s or school board office, to ask for God’s blessing on the nation’s schools.

A number of students and staff at these events came out to express their thanks, too.

If you were one of the pray-in participants, THANK YOU!

The Epoch Times and The Catholic Register both provided excellent coverage.

While some hearts remained hardened, we believe that God can use our witness to inspire others, prick consciences, and provide accountability.

If you would like to organize a prayer-in in your community next year, please email CLC’s Director of Education & Advocacy Josie Luetke (

We can provide all necessary materials and guidelines; we just need brave volunteers to take the initiative to be the boots on the ground.

Also, a reminder that a Rosary of Reparation will be prayed every Wednesday in June at 5 p.m. outside the Niagara Catholic District School Board – you’re most welcome to join if you’re a Catholic in the area.

Early Fruits?

During this National “Pride” Flag Walk-Out Day from May 31-June 4, we stormed heaven with prayers and once again, we shook the pro-LGBT educational establishment with a powerful show of parental resistance.

Is it a coincidence, then, that on June 11th, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board voted AGAINST a motion that would have permitted the flying of the Gay “Pride” flag?

God answers prayers.

He rewards faithfulness.


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Jack Fonseca Author

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Tags: Canada, Flag Walk-Out Day, LGBTQ, National "Pride" Flag Walk-Out Day, Pride Flag

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