Revival is breaking out across Europe!

Revival Is Breaking Out Across Europe! - Encounter Today - Blog


Just last month, London’s Trafalgar Square saw over 70,000 souls gathered to hear the gospel.

The event was held by Evangelist and Pastor of Pragma Church, Daniel Chand and his wife, Tanya.

The Spirit of God moved with power as many people gave their lives to Jesus Christ whilst also experiencing healing and deliverance.

Chand says thousands worshipped Jesus and heard a transformative message in Trafalgar Square in the U.K. on May 4th.

Chand’s Evangelistic ministry, Walking Like Jesus Ministries, posted on Instagram:

“God’s not finished with the United Kingdom! On the 4th May we saw the Lord move powerful in our nation’s capital! God is hearing from heaven and healing our land. He’s shaking everything that’s needs to be shaken and he’s pouring out his Spirit!”

“We witnessed not only history but prophecy being (fulfilled),” Chand wrote.

And all this to say, the real person of interest in the Ukraine bribery/laundering is the “Big Guy.”

“Thousands in Trafalgar Square heard the Gospel. 70 years after Billy Graham stood in the same spot, myself along with other evangelists and pastors shared testimonies, prayed for the sick, and of course declared the greatest love story – The Gospel.”
Chand took a stand in “proclaiming, pleading and preaching the blood of Jesus over the nation.”

Several testimonies came from the gathering, according to Walking Like Jesus Ministries.

Transformative healings took place! Arthritis, nerve pain, macro degenerative disease and back pain were just some of the healings people received from the Lord in the heart of London.

One woman testified that a lump in her body had completely disappeared!

“I’ve had a lump disappear,” she exclaimed as the crowd shouted in celebration.


More than 63,000 believers converged at the 54th annual Opwekking Pentecost Conference held in Holland.

In addition to these 63,000, there were 700,000 who also participated online on Pentecost Sunday.

These numbers are exceptionally high for a Christian conference in a European country, especially seeing as Holland a highly secular society.

Statistics reveal 57% of Holland’s population identifies as having zero religious affiliation which means that the majority fall into the atheist (29%) or agnostic category.

Polling also shows that 69% of her citizens have never attended a religious service.

The organization wrote on Instagram:

“Revival means following Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit. This is our desire: The Netherlands full of Jesus.”


Another wave of massive revival gatherings took place across Europe this weekend, and more than a thousand people made decisions to follow Jesus Christ – this time in Hungary and Italy.

International evangelist Jean-Luc Trachsel says “the power of the Lord” moved at a significant conference in the nation of Hungary.

People received a touch from the Lord, giving their lives to him as they were healed and set free.

Fire of revival is spreading everywhere in Europe to hungry and thirsty people,” Trachsel wrote online. “Stop to watch and dare why it’s not coming to your place. Go to your knees and cry out to The Lord of the harvest to save your region.”

The “fire of revival” came in power at “This Is the Day!” worship event at DVTK Stadium in Miskolc, Hungary, according to Trachsel. The stadium itself can host over 15,000 people, and it was filled! Trachsel stated that there were 1,300 salvations from this one event alone!

Trachsel’s Evangelistic Ministry’s website, the Holy Spirit moved mightily at the Apostolic Conference 2024 hosted by the “Chiesa Apostolica in Italia” or the “Apostolic Church in Italy” in Rome, Italy.

The organization is an international missionary movement “born out of the Pentecostal revivals of the first half of the twentieth century,” according to the group.

“Full house where the power of The Lord was there to heal all kinds of diseases,” he said, adding that the greatest “miracle” was the souls saved.


Last month, believers flooded the streets of Paris with praise and worship!

The Marche Pour Jesus France (March for Jesus in France) saw more than 25,000 people taking part in lifting up the name of our Lord.

Marche Pour Jesus France posted on Instagram that a miracle had occurred before the march even took place!

The group rejoiced upon receiving permission from the government to preach in the streets of France! “It’s a miracle!”

The post reads, “It’s historic! Having the official permission from the government in a laic country and being able to preach freely the Gospel at the feet of the Eiffel Tower – Trocadéro, in the main streets and places, preaching everywhere to everyone and finishing with a Gospel Campaign in Paris downtown with such a big crowd … only God can do this!

The group continued, “And if God is doing this in France, He can and will do it everywhere in Europe and to the nations of the world. It’s harvest time and revival has started. :fire:In the midst of chaos, wars, oppositions and even persecutions the Glory of God is arising as we arise to preach the Gospel of Jesus-Christ with a demonstration of power.”

“Europe shall be saved ! This generation shall be saved !”


Amongst the chaos and confusion and tensions happening within societies across the globe, there is another stirring taking place.

There is a mighty move of God happening within the body of Christ and it is no longer being confined to the four walls of the church building!

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Tags: News
Tags: Daniel Chand, France, Netherland, Pragma Church, Revival is breaking out across Europe, UK

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