Europe’s Elections Bring Political Earthquake
Breakthroughs in European elections are shaking the continent.
France and the Netherlands are two of the largest countries in Europe both in economic and political terms. Their recent elections have moved the dial to the right, so much so that political pundits on both sides of the Atlantic are saying the swing to the right may even push the European Union farther to the right too, hopefully, bringing back some semblance of sanity to the institution.
Gen Z adults in France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Japan, South Korea are more opposed to mass immigration/migration and to multiculturalism than older adults.
— Encounter News (@EncounterNewsX) June 11, 2024
And these aren't just statistics, these numbers are having a real world impact on elections throughout these nations.
For the first time in decades, French President Emmanuel Macron dissolved the French parliament mid-term on Sunday.
Macron made this decision after his Rennaissance party obtained a measly 14.7 per cent of the vote.
In comparison, the right of center National Rally party (Rassemblement National, RN) gained a whopping 31.5 per cent. The National Rally party is led by Marine Le Pen who previously ran as a presidential candidate.
This move by Macron has been deemed “political suicide.”
Because, if the National Rally secures the 289 seats in the Assembly, Macron will have to appoint Jordan Bardella, head of the RN, as his next prime minister and form a “cohabitation” government or he will be forced to resign.
On the flip side, if the 289 seats aren’t gained, the RN could form a coalition with other parties to achieve a majority to back Bardella as prime minister!
Meanwhile, in the Netherlands, Geert Wilders was recently elected Prime Minister and has been making waves.
Germany and France have VOTED OUT Globalist TYRANNY.
— Liz Churchill (@liz_churchill10) June 9, 2024
Wilders has been outspoken about cultural and political issues that the elites across Europe have refused to address or have formed policies around that are negatively affecting their nations. Issues like en mass illegal migration, the Islamification of Europe, the climate craze and the push towards the radical sexualization of societies.
The political dynamics across Europe are clearly being shaken.
In Germany, despite being hounded by a scandal involving candidates, the conservative Alternative for Germany party (AfD) rallied enough seats to outgain Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s left-wing Social Democrats.
Italy’s Georgio Meloni and Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban are two additional examples of how the people of Europe are actively working and voting to see the pendulum swing back in favor of conservative policies with national sovereignty being the priority.
Whilst some European nations like the United Kingdom have seemingly fallen into the disastrous trap of “multiculturalism,” the citizens of other nations have had enough of their governments ignoring their pleas and are now making their voices heard at the ballot box.
This activation amongst the citizenry is the necessary first step outside of doing one’s own research and gaining knowledge about what’s happening in their country.
So how do we prevent falling into the same predicament in the future where radical policies run rampant whether that be in Europe or America?
We maintain a level of awareness and knowledge about what is happening in the houses of government and the agendas playing out in society, and the best place to start is to focus on what is happening on the local level. And this applies to anyone, anywhere.
The gaining of knowledge is preventative and many across Europe are realizing this.
Many are waking up to their harsh reality which has come to them as the result of years of political abuse and agendas going unnoticed – but no more.
As the people of God, we are called to remain vigilant, to be the watchkeepers of our nations, to seek the good of our countries – we are the restraint of evil in this world because we work with God to accomplish His will on earth!
And this call to be on guard for our families and communities does not exclude holding the government to account. (edited)
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