Kentucky Records ZERO Abortions

Kentucky Records ZERO Abortions - Encounter Today - Blog

Kentucky’s official abortion numbers are out and they’ve recorded exactly zero.

The state is one of 20 that provide legal protection for women and children from the scourge of abortion.

Since the overturn of the unconstitutional Roe v Wade, several states have ushered in heartbeat laws which ban abortions when a child’s heartbeat can be detected, whilst others have more comprehensive abortion bans.

Kentucky’s law says that any and all abortions must be reported to the state health department regardless of whether the abortion is deemed “necessary.” One of the provisions in the state made for abortion is if the abortion is “necessary” to save the life of the mother.

Abortion, however, is never medically necessary. It is an elective procedure.

In our medically advanced societies, there is no medical reason why women require abortions.

Provisions such as offering women the option of terminating their child’s life if the mother’s life is at risk opens up a loophole where mental health can be used as a “medical reason” for an abortion to be committed.

Nonetheless, 12 months after Kentucky’s life-saving law went into effect, thousands of children’s lives have been saved and women are being protected.

Proof that policy matters.

In 2022, 2,550 abortions were committed and reported in the state. This was a 43% decrease from 2021.

2023 stats reveal an immediate drop in abortions once Kentucky’s life at conception and heartbeat laws went into effect.


Every life matters to God and every life carries a significant purpose.

Standing for and defending life isn’t just a political movement, it is a command by God that every believer must heed.

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.” Proverbs 31:8-9

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Tags: Kentucky, Kentucky’s life-saving law, ZERO Abortions

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