Australia Wants To Change Male Behavior

Australia Wants To Change Male Behavior - Encounter Today - Blog

AUSTRALIA: Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan revealed new changes to her government which includes a role focused on men’s behavior and encouraging more respectful relationships within the community.

Member of Parliament, Tim Richardson, has been appointed as the parliamentary secretary for “men’s behavior change” which is the “first of its kind in Australia.”

Last month, Premier Allan declared gender-based violence the “number one law and order issue” in Australia and this new role will “focus largely on the influence the internet and social media have on boys’ and men’s attitudes towards women and building respectful relationships” whilst also seeking to put a stop to “the tragedy of deaths of Victorian women at the hands of men”.

The issue at hand is that this issue is being presented as if it is only women who face violence in Australia but this neglects the fullness of what is actually happening in the country.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, there is a 15% difference between physical violence being committed against men vs women, with violence against men being more than against women.

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This does not mean the violence against women should go unaddressed, but it also means the violence being committed against men needs to be highlighted just as much!

If Western societies who claim they’re pushing towards more “equality” were truly sincere in that aim, then why are they neglecting half of the total population?

MilkBarTV posted on X:

Even the statistics which compare overall violence committed against men, whether it be physical or sexual in nature, it still outranks that which is committed against women.

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Premier Allan tried to justify the appointment, saying the role will help her administration’s “priority to make Victoria a safer place for women and children. This is the first position of its kind in Australia — focusing on the influence of the internet and social media on boys’ and men’s attitudes towards women.”

In response to the announcement, an X user called “Very Insignificant Person” posted:

“Laws & policies certainly have a role to play in the socialisation of young people. But the underlying premise here – all men MUST change their behaviour – is toxic & insulting. And the conclusion – the government CAN change men’s behaviour at its will – is laughably naive.”

This role is nothing short of demeaning and insulting to men as it communicates that there is nothing women need to “change” in their behaviour.

Although this virtue signaling government position is nonsensical, it reveals a lot about the society in which it exists.

The government is attempting to address issues of the heart and that isn’t something even the biggest, most influential government could do.

Yes, policy absolutely matters and you can encourage a society in a direction through policy but, when it comes to morality, more is required.

Going after the behavior of broken men (and women) from the governmental level will produce very little. What is needed is a change at the heart level and that can only occur when people choose to receive Christ as their Lord and Savior.

There is a transformative process that is necessary for people to truly change and when Jesus enters into the timeline of a person’s story, He causes a ripple effect of radical change not only in the life of the individual, but in the whole of society.

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Tags: News
Tags: Australia, Australian law, men's behavior, Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan

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