Peru Classifies “Trans” as Mental Disorder

Peru Classifies Trans as Mental Disorder - Encounter Today - Blog

The Peruvian government has officially classified individuals who “identify” as transgender, nonbinary and intersex as “mentally ill.”

Peruvian President Dina Boluarte sanctioned the decree that categorizes “transsexuality” and “gender identity disorders in children,” among others, as mental health issues. This will now allow for changes to be made to the Essentials Health Insurance Plan.

Additional identities included in the “mental illness” classification include: “dual-role transvestism,” “fetishistic transvestism,” and “other gender identity disorders.”

The government insists this will help make “psychological treatment” more freely available to those struggling with these identity and ideology disorders.

Peruvians experiencing confusion when it comes to their body and identity already have access to free health services to assist them.

The government has stated that this shift “categorically reaffirms respect for the dignity of the person and their free actions within the framework of human rights, providing health services for their benefit.”

This decision has proven to be nothing but controversial, however, as many LGBTQ@IA++ activists are considering taking to the streets to protest their government’s decision this upcoming June.

Peru’s Ministry of Health stated that this adjustment seeks to “guarantee a full range of medical care in the field of mental health” for individuals who identify as “transgender”. It was also confirmed that such persons will not be compelled to undergo talk therapy (also known as “conversion therapy”).

In 1924, the Peruvian government decriminalized homosexuality. Interestingly, this ruling is what many LGBTQ+ activists are pointing to as a point of hypocrisy by the government in their new ruling.

Why is this interesting? Because many in academia, the political sphere, as well as in the church have pointed to laws being passed in favor of gay unions and the decriminalization of homosexuality as being some of the first triggers which initiated the full fledged celebration and pushing of gay and trans ideology into societies.

To lend credence to this point, is the example of Jheinser Pacaya, the director of OutfestPeru, who says the trans community will be fighting to see the decree revoked whilst also stating that he believes it is incongruent with Peru’s decriminalization of homosexuality over 100 years ago.

Pacaya’s view on this matter is indeed flawed and although we dare not speak to the intent of the talking points he employed on this matter, we will offer up one perspective for your consideration:

No one is talking about re-criminalizing homosexuality in the nation of Peru but just as we saw here in the United States at the overturning of Roe v. Wade, many started to spread rumours that gay unions would also be overturned and that contraception would be banned across the United States.

Neither of these issues were up for discussion at the time but the establishment media ran with outlandish headlines that this is what the overturn of Roe v Wade meant for Americans.

Much in the same way, this is the avenue of thought being presented by Pacaya and many others but in a more indirect manner.

Whipping up the masses into a hysteria over a non-issue is part of what is at play both in Peru, as well as in the media here at home.


Whilst the political ranks within the United States seemingly sink to bizarre levels to appease this minority group of radical activists, other nations are taking a stand against this pervasive and damaging ideology.

The trans craze affects every part of society from entertainment to children’s classrooms to women’s safety being placed on the altar of “tolerance”.

Nothing about this movement and its agenda equates to “progress” nor liberation.

It’s time we all, from us as individuals to those in the halls of government, say enough is enough and start to prioritize helping those who are living in confusion instead of furthering delusion.

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Tags: News
Tags: LGBTQ, Mental Disorder, Peru, Trans, transgender

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