Christian Case Against Astrology

Christian Case Against Astrology - Encounter Today - Blog

Upon opening a meeting to discuss politics I was attending, a presenter stated her name, where she was from and what her astrological sign was. Utterly perplexed, seeing as this was the first time I had ever heard someone offer up their status as a “Capricorn” on top of them being a Christian, I decided to write the following to not only sort through my own thoughts on the subject but to also answer some questions many people have on the subject.

Until now, I didn’t realize just how popular it has become for people to label themselves based upon an astrological chart or diagram surrounding their birth. From boxes you can tick off saying “Aries” or “Pices” on dating apps to children being asked what their horoscope is that month in school to magazines publishing people’s supposed future – zodiac signs, horoscopes and other forms of astrology have re-emerged as a major guiding factor in this generation.

If you know me, you know I love patterns and following trends because they reveal a lot about what a society is being taught (or not taught in this situation).

The question I posed to myself (and now to you) is, is it any wonder that this generation is one of the most confused and questioning generations when it comes to identity and they are seeking answers from astrology?

The premise of astrology is that an individual gains enlightenment and understanding about who they are as they’re offered a glimpse into their unknown future. It is also taught that we are born into a zodiac sign and our personality stems from being born on that day. The Bible, however, is very clear that God is the One who created humanity, and He is the One who gives us our personality.

And if one believes it’s just young college students and teens justifying their use of astrology and falling for the false hope and peace horoscopes offer, I have witnessed Christians also jump on board with this form of witchcraft.

Yes, astrology is classified by God as witchcraft.

As Deuteronomy 18:10-14 says,
“Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord; because of these same detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you. You must be blameless before the Lord your God. The nations you will dispossess listen to those who practice sorcery or divination. But as for you, the Lord your God has not permitted you to do so.”

I have also heard testimonies of those who were saved from the occult and once practiced astrology. These individuals talk of nothing but disillusionment and brokenness in their quest for identity because ultimately, that was what they were in search for – their identity.

Every human being initiates a quest at some point in their life seeking their true identity. Oftentimes, looking to the tangible things of this world to help in their reasoning process of figuring out their worth, their place and one of the most commonly used words in this generation – their status.

Seeking answers from places and practices that are void of truth and are clearly defined territories of our true adversary, will leave a person in bondage, desperation and confusion.

I don’t just want to leave you here and just say “don’t use astrology” because if we don’t go deeper and understand the “why” behind the “don’t,” we lose out on the establishment of a much needed foundation.

Understanding this, here is a mere glimpse into how our adversary uses astrology to persuade and control humanity:

  1. When the devil talks to us about the future, he’s talking about a point in time he has zero knowledge of nor authority over but horoscopes are so blatantly used to do this, to “tell us the future.” Some may push back and say they have accuracy, well let me tell you what, even a broken clock is right twice a day. Above and beyond this, however, is that the enemy uses such a falsely predictive measure to make you feel in control of what is to come, as if you have the upper hand through these deception drench means, but he can only gain control of or influence an individual if you choose to come into agreement with that which he says.

  • The enemy isn’t called the author of lies for nothing and he will try anything in his wheelhouse to distract you and make you come into agreement with his lies.
  • What the enemy doesn’t want you to know is that you have the ability to choose what happens with the lies spoken or presented to you.

  1. Many horoscopes stir up fear in the hearts of men, this alone is a clear indicator that we should avoid them as they are not of God. Every negative emotion we may have about tomorrow is from the devil. Plain and simple. When we are in alignment with the will of God for our lives, walking pure and holy, his Holy Spirit brings us peace about our present and our future. A relationship with Christ results in the Spirit bearing fruit in our lives and fear is nowhere to be found in Scripture (Galatians 5:22-23).

  • This is why it is key to have a revelation that “life and death are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21). If you feed yourself the lies a horoscope or any part of astrology wants you to believe and let them take root in your heart, then you will surely speak them into being with your mouth.

  1. Understand that when you call yourself a Capricorn or an Aires, you are lowering yourself to the place of allowing (yes, allowing) yourself to be defined by a created thing and not your Creator. In Christ, you are a son or daughter of God, that means you have authority over creation. So why in the world would you allow yourself to be defined by a zodiac sign which is so far beneath you?

  • The enemy seeks to place limitations on your authority, but he can only do so if you allow him to! Believing that a created star has the authority to define you, your personality or your future is what Romans one calls foolishness.

There is another way, however, that does reveal all the answers humanity seeks – going to the author of all life and asking Him who He created us to be.

Example: if you owned a Honda Civic and wanted insights on how your vehicle worked and what it was created to do, you wouldn’t take that vehicle to Harley Davidson! No! You’d take it into its manufacturer because only it would know all of the intricacies of that model you have.

The same applies to all of humanity. We have one Creator God who knows us intricately, completely. And seeing as no two human beings are alike, only their manufacturer could explain their purpose, define their worth and give them the direction they need.

Let’s briefly touch on the heavens; the sun, moon and stars.

Each was created with intent by God to serve humanity but weren’t made to define it. The glorification of God and to serve as signs of the times we are living in are predominant to their functions.

But when we don’t have an understanding of God’s intent for His creation and the hierarchy He established for it, many fall into worshipping it above the Creator!

So why do people turn to such wicked practices as astrology? We have already briefly touched on it but it is all rooted in identity. If ignorant of the truth, people will be led to a mirage that will never satisfy their need – that is what astrology really is.

People have a deep seated need, a yearning, to know who they are and where they are going. People are thirsty for the truth and turning to the tangible for an intangible answer may seem logical but only in reverse order can the answers we crave come to light.

Thirst for anything manifests in behavior. Physical thirst manifests in us drinking water. Spiritual thirst cannot be quenched by anything but Christ (John 4:13-14).

In order to see a change in behaviors we have to first address the thirst.

Instead of people being offered unfulfilling, peace-wrecking astrological charts and diagrams, we need to share with them that which can only come through Jesus – salvation.

The search for peace in our souls cannot come by man nor can it come through the creation God made. The only place we can find rest for our souls is in our Creator, for it says in Ephesians 2:8-10, 13-14:

“For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.”

“But now in Christ Jesus you who formerly were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For He Himself is our peace, who made both groups into one and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall…”

When you’re questioning your identity, God calls you His son or daughter and gives you a whole book full of promises and blessings and direction to take hold of and make your own. This book is the Bible and it is God’s very own words to you and to me.

Nothing is new under the sun, not even the pull in this generation towards astrology. But just as with any other issue we face today, we must constantly return our focus to the Word of God to find the piercing clarity this confused and lost world needs.


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