American Campuses Brewing Antisemitism
Universities have made it “okay” to hate. Yes, you read that correctly.
Over the course of several years, universities have been turned into breeding grounds for hatred towards Israel and the Jewish people.
These are the leftist tactics being used to terrify students on campuses.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) April 22, 2024
To prove this point, let’s look at what happened just this week to professor Shai Davidai, a Jewish professor at Columbia university, who says his key card to enter the school was deactivated after anti-Israel (pro-Hamas) protesters had taken over the school.
Davidai blasted the school for wanting Jewish brains, but not Jewish people saying:
“They are not letting me on main campus. But listen to the irony. I was just told that I am [to be] let on the campus of the business school where I’m teaching tomorrow.”
“So they are willing to use Jewish brains, but they don’t want to let Jewish people in.”
Imagine being Jewish on a liberal arts campus. Nazi Germany vibes.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) April 22, 2024
Meanwhile, students have effectively set up a “Liberation Zone” encampment at Columbia as part of their protest against Israel and in defense of the acts of war and terror committed by Hamas against Israel.
Video recorded a few minutes ago and sent to us by a Columbia University student.
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) April 21, 2024
The tent city is growing and student protesters have now declared that they have taken over the university, turning it into a “Peoples’ University”
And if you think this is solely an issue Columbia is facing, think again.
American University in Washington, D.C., was recently hit with a federal complaint alleging that Jewish and Israeli students have experienced “persistent and threatening anti-Semitic rhetoric and conduct” on campus.
The complaint also alleges that university staffers were “fully aware of the pervasive and hostile environment for Jewish students” and not only ignored it, but in some cases “chose to subject Jewish whistleblowers to harassment and disciplinary proceedings.”
Meanwhile, Yale is facing protests by anti-Israel protesters have taken the campus hostage by Palestinian protesters who claim to seek divestment of Yale finances for Israel’s military despite no clear connection between the two.
One Yale student, Mika Bardin, says the protest is against Israel and against American values. She explained to Fox News how the protesters praised a terrorist Walid Dhaka who has murdered and castrated an Israeli my age, 19 years old. I have to walk by two large images of his vigils glorifying him as a martyr and when the Yale Jewish community put up a sign to say this is a murderer and a terrorist, they took it down.”
Bardin says, “Jewish students have been blocked access to center parks of campus just because of their religion. it is really unacceptable and the lack of administration support or repercussions is very, very concerning.”
Mao's Cultural Revolution started on the "top" Chinese university campuses. American Cultural Revolution is happening on our elitist college campuses. BLM, DEI, climate justice, Trans Rights, Free Palestine, just tools being used to destroy our traditional values & social norms.
— Lily Tang Williams (@Lily4Liberty) April 22, 2024
A few additional (though not a complete list of) universities being over run by Hamas sympathizers here in America are:
California State Polytechnic University:
Anti-Israel student protesters are now occupying the California State Polytechnic University.
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) April 23, 2024
They have barricaded the entrance with couches, chairs and desks.
What started in Columbia is spreading like wildfire across the country@V24Investigates
University of Michigan:
Antisemites at the University of Michigan couldn't let their fellow Jew hating bigots at Columbia, Yale, and MIT outshine them.
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) April 22, 2024
Pictured: calls for more violence against Jews at tent city in Ann Arbor.
MIT, Harvard and the University of Pennsylvania are also seeing pro-Palestinian protests erupt on campus.
Lily Tang Williams, a candidate for the second congressional district of New Hampshire, fled China’s Communist Cultural Revolution and is deeply disturbed by what she is witnessing here in America after her escape from the Communist regime:
“Mao’s Cultural Revolution started on the “top” Chinese university campuses. American Cultural Revolution is happening on our elitist college campuses. BLM, DEI, climate justice, Trans Rights, Free Palestine, just tools being used to destroy our traditional values & social norms.
Anti Semitic sentiments have steadily been increasing worldwide as seen in a report released by Tel Aviv University’s Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry and the U.S. based Anti-Defamation League.
The joint report, published in 2023, found that antisemitic incidents in the U.S. increased by more than 35% since 2021 and judging by all that’s happened since October 7th, it wouldn’t be a stretch to believe those statistics would have increased since then.
According to police departments in New York, Los Angeles and Chicago, home to some of America’s largest Jewish populations, antisemitic hate crimes were on an incline. Those with the largest targets on their backs are ultra Orthodox Jews, also known as haredi Jews.
Columbia has always had an incredible history of students fighting for a more just world and it’s good to see that tradition continue. As NYPD surrounds young activists, I hope their concerns are heard by school administrators and they not be criminalized. In solidarity :fist::skin-tone-4:
— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) April 17, 2024
Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s daughter, Isra Hirsi, was arrested and suspended for organizing an antisemitic protest on campus. She is also claiming to be homeless and unable to afford food since her suspension from Barnard College at Columbia University.
Hirsi is a self proclaimed “communist” who is portraying herself as a victim:
“I was a little bit frantic, like, where am I going to sleep? Where am I gonna go? And also all of my s–t is thrown in a random lot. It’s pretty horrible. I don’t know when I can go home, and I don’t know if I ever will be able to,” Hirsi stated.
Congresswoman Omar, who was famously dubbed “ISIS in lipstick” by anti-terrorism expert and reformist Imam Mohammad Tawhidi for her connections and sympathies towards Islamic extremists, was “enormously proud” of her communist daughter for organizing the anti-Israel protest.
On Thursday, Columbia arrested and suspended its students who were peacefully protesting and have now ignited a nationwide Gaza Solidarity movement. This is more than the students hoped for and I am glad to see this type of solidarity. But to be clear, this about the genocide in…
— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) April 22, 2024
Hillel International, the largest Jewish campus organization in the world, conducted a study of 300 Jewish college students. The study found more than four out of every five Jewish students (84%) say the situation in Israel and Gaza is affecting them.
Two out of every three Jewish students (68%) are sad. Over half of Jewish students (54%) are scared. More than one in three Jewish students (37%) say they have needed to hide their Jewish identity. Around one in three Jewish students (35%) say there have been acts of hate or violence on campus against Jews. These are shocking figures.
We can talk about stats and figures until we’re blue in the face, or bring up what he said or she said, but we must go deeper as Christians than the surface level.
Bishop Alan DiDio of Encounter Today stated:
“We are currently witnessing a resurgence of antisemitism around the world and distressingly, even within segments of the Church, this rise is often exacerbated by the superficial and polarizing nature of discussions on social media, which tend to simplify complex issues into misleading narratives.”
“Antisemitism is an affront to the Gospel and it is our duty to address it boldly and to excise it completely, root and stem.”
“This support does not equate to an uncritical endorsement of all actions or policies by the Israeli government. We should be able to question and scrutinize Israel, it’s leaders, and their actions freely while at the same time supporting their right to exist and live safely in the land promised to them by God.”
This is the much needed perspective that is required of us as believers, from the need to be intentionally analytical of government actions to understanding that the Jewish people were chosen by God and should have our support, lest we forget what Genesis 12:2-3 says:
“And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”
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