FISA Reauthorization BLOCKED…For Now PART 2

F.I.S.A Reauthorization BLOCKED, For Now, Part 2 - Encounter Today - Blog

According to Representative Massie:

“They [the 19 Republicans who sided with Democrats] may have just stopped our only chance to have a vote on whether the government needs a warrant to spy on you. That vote might not have passed, but everyone would have had to go on the record for the world to see.”

In an exchange between Representative Massie and Chair of the House Intelligence Committee, Mike Turner, it was exposed that within the amendments to FISA, Members of Congress would receive special exceptions that would require federal agencies to notify them if they were being spied on but those exceptions wouldn’t be extended to the American people.

Starting to see just how corrupt this thing really is!

What is FISA?

FISA stands for the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act which was first proposed by Teddy Kennedy back in the 1970’s.

The law gives the federal government the ability to spy on foreigners without a warrant who are outside the borders of the United States.

Simply put, FISA grants government agencies the ability to spy on and threaten those who don’t agree with the government which now includes American citizens.

Concerned about it potentially being used against American citizens, politicians have sought to ensure it would never be used to conduct such surveillance over the many decades of it being in use. These politicians say they were reassured that wouldn’t happen – until recently.

It has been confirmed that FISA has been used to go after American citizens.

For years, secretive federal agencies have been trying to rig our elections by utilizing FISA for their own benefit.

For example, the corrupt FBI used FISA to try to illegally take down Donald Trump who was the sitting President! But this isn’t solely about Trump, this is about Americans and their right to privacy, as well as upholding the constitution and prohibiting government overreach.

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For any of you wondering, all those who participated in the coup against Trump got off scott free, minus one man who received a mere slap on the wrist. In fact, many participants got book deals and are now panelists on establishment media networks!

FISA assisted evil actors to commit unconstitutional acts and got away with it!

In the last 50 years that FISA has been in place, terrorist attacks haven’t been thwarted, so it really makes one wonder, what exactly does it do for Americans?

How Did We Get Here / Mike Johnson’s Involvement

Pushing for FISA’s reauthorization is Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, who has been hailed as a star in the Conservative movement since coming to prominence for his role as Speaker.

Weirdly enough, however, Johnson has been trying to garner votes in favor of ensuring FISA can continue operations without the protections the amendments would provide, one such protection would require warrants before proceeding with spying on citizens.

Two of the predominant issues Speaker Mike Johnson has demanded of his colleagues in Congress are:

  1. Continual funding for Ukraine.
  2. FISA reauthorization.

Neither of these are the top priorities of Republican voters, let alone Americans in general. In fact, support for Ukraine has dropped significantly, meanwhile, who is even thinking about being spied on? This compels the question – why is Johnson pushing so intensely for these specifically when they’re the Biden Administration’s primary issues?

Speaker Mike Johnson was once against Americans being spied on but now, after attending a classified briefing, he now has a “different perspective” on the necessity of FISA. Yeah right.

We have more than just a flimsy change of heart statement from Mike Johnson to question the validity of his new found stance on the unconstitutional surveillance of Americans.

Just a couple months ago, a debate was taking place in the House of Representatives on an amendment that would have required federal agencies to obtain warrants to conduct domestic spying as found in the FISA 702 reauthorization. Shockingly, Mike Johnson pulled the bill and cancelled Congress for the rest of the week.

Mhmm, he didn’t even let it reach the floor for a vote! This is very strange behavior.


If there’s one thing the Republican Party should be doing, it should be fighting FISA from every side, but they’ve been doing the exact opposite while telling Americans that they’re standing up for us. You’d think republicans would be trying to reign in the consistent descent into totalitarianism but they’re seemingly helping usher it in!

There are a few politicians who aren’t engaged in the furtherance of surveillance of American citizens and for those individuals, we can be very grateful.

CBS News called the program a “crucial national security surveillance program” that was blocked due to a conservative revolt in the House of Representatives when in actuality, FISA is blatantly unconstitutional and deserving of the hostility it is presently facing.

At the end of the day, we must understand that FISA has nothing to do with protecting “national security”, that is just an excuse used for subversion of democracy which is really FISA’s intended goal.

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Tags: News
Tags: Democrats, FISA Reauthorization BLOCKED, Republicans, Thomas Massie

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