Norway Fights the Cashless Society Agenda

Norway Fights the Cashless Society Agenda - Encounter Today - Blog

Norway is following in the footsteps of her Swedish neighbor and strengthening its people’s right to pay with physical cash!

The Norwegian government has proposed a new law that will ensure stores accept physical cash as payment for goods.

In 2021, the Financial Supervisor Authority conducted a survey that found several banks were no longer accepting responsibility for the provision of cash services, this resulted in the “cash crisis” of May 2022. The crisis caused card terminals all across the nation shut down.

As a result, the Norwegian government has been looking for ways to shore up cash services and the right to pay with physical cash and banknotes.

Norway’s Justice Minister, Emilie Enger Mehl stated:

“There is a need to clarify the rules and strengthen the consumer’s right to cash payment. The cash crisis… this year showed that cash payments must also be taken care of for emergency reasons.”

A lesser-known fact about Norway’s laws is that they have what is called the Financial Contracts Act which states that cash is a ‘compulsory payment method’ and must always be accepted.

Despite the Act, there has been a spike in businesses who are refusing to use it.

There appears to be a gap found with the interpretation of the legislation, one example is with online sales, and as such, the government has brought forward updated legislation.

A proposal was made in 2022 to make changes to the Act in order to strengthen consumers rights to use cash for payments by the Ministry of Justice and Emergency Preparedness. The proposal included a requirement that physical businesses must accept cash and set in motion provisions to consider unique, more individualized cases for other services.

Important amendments were made that also clarified that cash would not be a compulsory payment method for internet-based trade.

The new law stipulates that consumers will have the right to pay for goods using physical cash in all shops or sales premises. The only exceptions being vending machines, unmanned shops and if the sale items exceed a specific monetary threshold.

“The role of the government is to secure the preparedness of society. To only base oneself on digital payment system increase the vulnerability of society,” Norway’s Justice and Public Security Minister Emilie Enger Mehl says.

She further stated that “for the government, it is important to create security for those who are reluctant to use digital payment solutions.”

First Sweden and now Norway.

These two nations working to maintain their citizen’s use of physical cash is astounding amongst all of the pressures being placed on governments by globalists, most especially in trying to move nations over to cashless societies.

If we’re praising Norway, we really should highlight a little bit more about Sweden as well.

After scrapping directives from the United Nations Agenda 2030 goals, Sweden also ditched climate taxes on their people’s fuel, meanwhile, the new right of center government has also been working to ensure the use of physical money is protected. All of these measures are credible ways of combatting the globalist system as a whole.

These aren’t easy tasks, especially now that the grooming of societies runs so deep thanks to the intentional propaganda campaigns that have swept across the EU, predominately affecting our youth. However, fighting back against the globalist utopia where government is the be all and end all, is essential. This is why fighting a cashless society is so key as it is a major part of the globalist agenda for control.

Benefits of societies that use physical money:

  1. In the event of an emergency, cash is king. Afterall, you can’t use a mobile app if the power grid goes down.
  2. Independence – government cannot track cash transactions.
  3. Less government control over what people can or cannot buy.
  4. Cash bolsters a free society and privacy rights.

Globalists like the World Economic Forum push nations towards a cashless society. However, in order for their globalist utopia to be achieved, nations must fall in line and it would appear as though Norway and Sweden aren’t going to be so easily swayed.

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Tags: News
Tags: Emilie Enger Mehl, Financial Supervisor Authority, Norway, Norwegian government

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