Tennessee Banning Chemtrails?

Tennessee Banning Chemtrails - Encounter Today - Blog

Tennessee’s Senate has passed SB 2691/HB 2063 which seeks to ban chemtrails.

The bill alleges the government has been “conduct[ing] geoengineering experiments by intentionally dispersing chemicals into the atmosphere” which is an accurate description of what chemtrails are.

Representative Monty Fritts and Senator Steve Southerland both sponsored the bill which saw passage through the state’s Senate but still faces a vote in the House of Representatives.

If the bill passes, chemtrails (which are chemicals released by airplanes which manipulate naturally occurring weather patterns) would be banned.

The bill states:

“documented [that] the federal government or other entities acting on the federal government’s behalf or at the federal government’s request may conduct geoengineering experiments by intentionally dispersing chemicals into the atmosphere, and those activities may occur within the State of Tennessee.”

“The intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight is prohibited.”

This bill would amend a pre-existing environmental bill concerning air pollution in the state and would mark a significant development in the ongoing debate over geoengineering and environmental manipulation.

Proponents of the bill believe that it is a necessary step to safeguard the environment and public health from unregulated geoengineering practices.

The legislation is set to be enforced beginning July 1, 2024, indicating the urgency that the Tennessee Senate places on this issue for the “public welfare.”

TN Senators Fritts and Southerland aren’t the only state politicians seeking chemtrails to be outlawed.

Pennsylvania state Senator Doug Mastriano said new technology and a proliferation of weather modification patents “owned by a combination of Federal Government Agencies, Non-Governmental Organizations, and large multinational corporations” have brought forward the need to update Pennsylvania’s law.

“Spraying unknown, experimental, and potentially dangerous chemicals into the atmosphere without the consent of the people of Pennsylvania is a clear violation of Article 1, Section 27 of the PA Constitution.”

Pennsylvania’s Constitution guarantees the “right to clean air, pure water, and to the preservation of the natural, scenic, historic and esthetic values of the environment.”

The legislation would ban the release of substances within the borders of Pennsylvania to affect the temperature, weather or intensity of sunlight. This piece of legislation mirrors Tennessee’s anti-chemtrail legislation.

Business Insider went so far as to say that Tennessee used a “conspiracy theory” to justify their legislative proposal, however, if they really were just another conspiracy, why would State governments be taking credible action to outlaw them? If they don’t exist, why spend the time, money and energy to ban them?

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Tags: News
Tags: ban chemtrails, chemtrails, eoengineering experiments, Tennessee, Tennessee’s Senate

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