World Health Organization Pandemic Treaty Risks “Falling Apart”

World Health Organization Pandemic Treaty Risks “Falling Apart” - Encounter Today - Blog

The World Health Organization’s pandemic preparedness agreement (Pandemic Treaty) is at risk of falling apart due to “a torrent of fake news, lies, and conspiracy theories” according to WHO chief Tedros Ghebreyesus.

Ghebreysus says future generations “may not forgive us” if it doesn’t go through.

As a young woman, a part of the next generation, I agree with the WHO chief, my generation would not forgive our nations if they moved forward with this Pandemic Treaty which seeks to enslave my generation under the guise of “global health.”

What is the Pandemic Treaty?

The 194 member states at the WHO decided over two years ago to begin negotiations to create an international accord to, supposedly, equip countries to prevent and/or tackle the next global health catastrophe. But for those of us who have a glimpse of what’s really happening behind the scenes, we know this is a move towards global governance.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the WHO’s director-general, said yesterday that he believes momentum has slowed due to “a torrent of fake news, lies, and conspiracy theories”. In other words, he is annoyed that people are starting to understand the true intent behind the Treaty and are willingly sharing it online.

According to Tedros, countries need the capacity to detect and share pathogens presenting a risk, as well as an avenue to access tests, treatments and vaccines. This is what the Treaty is meant to produce but the reality is far more sinister.

“Time is very short. And there are several outstanding issues that remain to be resolved,” he said. And if there is failure coming into agreement, it could equal “a missed opportunity for which future generations may not forgive us.” On this note, I agree with the WHO director, future generations will not forgive their nations who vote in support of handing over their sovereignty, rights and values to the WHO.

Ghebreyesus warned if nations aren’t willing to give up ground (to give up their values and right to determine health policy), the whole project risks going nowhere.

The Treaty will need to garner two thirds of the final vote on May 27, 2024 to see it move forward. At the moment, it is hard to determine exactly how many nations will indeed be voting in favor or stand opposed.

Several nations have come forward stating their intent to outright or in part reject the Treaty, but one thing is for certain, the citizens of nations are not inclined towards additional measures and mandates being imposed on them after all that they experienced during the global lockdowns of 2020.

As one of the leaders during the global lockdowns, WHO director Ghebreyesus says there’s a need for a “strong agreement that will help to protect our children and grandchildren from future pandemics.” The thing is, based upon the directive the WHO gave and demanded during the lockdowns caused immense harm to the well-being of children.

My question is, why would anyone listen to this organization again after it ran with phony science and declared its word and directives to be gospel?

U.S. Involvement with the Treaty

An interesting and all too telling truth is that in 2023, the Biden administration sided with China in calling for negotiations and drafts of the accord to remain closed to the public. Among the alarming implications of this is the fact that U.S. stakeholders (taxpayers and their elected representatives) are not privy to the positions being taken by U.S. negotiators, including on whether the treaty will be binding or which specific elements it will contain.

Given how controversial and far-reaching C19 policies proved to be, opting for secrecy in negotiations surrounding a pandemic treaty lends credibility to fears that the pandemic treaty is being used to impose policies and protocols that would not be politically acceptable in most countries.

A document called a “zero draft” of the Treaty that was circulated earlier last year, revealed it intended to go well beyond dealing with infectious disease outbreaks. If passed in its current state, the declaration of a pandemic would be used to promote abortion, despite the fact that abortion is not an internationally-recognized human right.

The zero draft also revealed the broad concepts the Treaty seeks to include, such as a provision that nations “will take steps to address the social, environmental and economic determinants of health.” This phrase could be interpreted to mean a vast array of social policies that extend far beyond pandemic preparedness.

One of the primary areas of concern is that the zero draft stipulates that “the WHO Director-General shall … declare pandemics.” This means nations wouldn’t get to decide based on their own research if there was a pandemic and if they should take action, that would now be the job of the unelected bureaucrats at the WHO. This would also mean they would also get to determine what and who is and isn’t “essential”.

Nations signing onto the Treaty would also be required to “strengthen synergies with other existing relevant instruments that address the drivers of pandemics, such as climate change.” Such a “synergy” would assist in the transfer of power from sovereign nations to international bureaucracies by using the threat of emergencies, whether related to public health or climate concerns.

Starting to see the bigger picture? I hope so.

In addition, nations who ratify the treaty would have to allocate a percentage of their gross domestic product for “international cooperation and assistance on pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and health systems recovery, particularly for developing countries, including through international organizations and existing and new mechanisms.”


How I view this Treaty is like a soft launch of a global guiding document that will strip away a key element of national control – the creation and implementation of their own policies based upon their own values and heritage.

The WHO and the whole United Nations system (which the WHO is a part of), would love it if people started to believe they didn’t need their national governments anymore and everyone could just lean upon one entity to determine what is best for them regarding their health, the climate, privacy and security.

Though we face immense challenges within our current governing structures, national governments are necessary. And the number one issue I’d say they’re most needed for is for accountability. If there is one system of governance globally, where does accountability come into play? It doesn’t.

National sovereignty was God’s idea. We don’t need, nor should we want, a global governing system.

Nations have borders and a citizenry governed by a set of laws agreed upon by those the citizens choose to represent them. Having an unelected bureaucracy determine our nation’s policies isn’t just foolish, it’s dangerous.

The fight isn’t over but I am thoroughly encouraged that the Pandemic Treaty may indeed be on its last legs. Let’s pray it never succeeds in coming into fruition. (edited)

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Tags: Tedros Ghebreyesus, World Health Organization, World Health Organization Pandemic Treaty Risks

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