MSNBC Hosts Take A Stab At ‘White Christian’ Voters

MSNBC Hosts Take A Stab At White Christian Voters - Encounter Today - Blog

Commenting on the overwhelming victory President Trump had in the Iowa Republican caucuses, MSNBC’s Joy Reid and Alex Wagner smeared Christians in the state who helped deliver Trump with a resounding victory.

And oh boy, were their statements filled with discrimination and lies.

Voter Analysis Iowa - Encounter Today- Blog

MSNBC’s Alex Wagner went on air to say that Christian evangelicals believed Trump was the “second coming” of Jesus and that she was “fascinated” by this demographic voting bloc “because the number of really esteemed reporters have been talking about the way in which the Trump coalition, the MAGA coalition, has absolutely just devoured the evangelical coalition.”

According to Wagner, polls indicate that “55% of White born-again or evangelicals are going for Trump.”

This stat surprises no one but Wagner seeing as Trump is the political candidate with the most policies favoring the Christian worldview.

Next came MSNBC’s Joy Reid, whose comments were anything but joyful.

Reid stated, “I feel like the important data point … is that these are white Christians. That this is a state that is overrepresented by white Christians who are going to participate in these caucuses.”

This is where things started to get really interesting. Reid proceeded to bring up a conversation she had with Robert Jones of the Public Religion Research Institute who provided statistics that, “Iowa is about 61% white Christian, the country as a whole is approximately 41% white Christian.”

Reid then posed this question to Jones, “What do [white Evangelical Christians] get out of supporting Trump because he keeps losing and delivering losses and losses?” According to Jones, “They [white Evangelical Christians] see themselves as the rightful inheritors of this country and Trump has promised to give it back to them.” How outrageous!

Reid continued, “all the things we think about electability … what are people gaining? None of that matters when you believe that God has given you this country, that it is yours, and that everyone who is not a White, conservative Christian is a fraudulent American, is a less real American, then you don’t care about electability, you care what God has given.”

Later on in the show, Reid argued that pro-Trump sentiments can’t be separated from America’s religious ties. “It is religion,” she said, “and I think what we have to actually confront – and this is what the Democrats are going to face – is this is now what White evangelicalism is. It is Christian nationalism. That’s the name of it, right?”

What an oxymoronic statement to make, seeing as God established nations, and therefore, national sovereignty and we as believers should be in favor of nationalism.

Iowa GOP Caucus - Encounter Today - Blog

My fellow believers, don’t take Reid’s attempt at smearing us as a negative, instead, see it for what it really is – Reid understands just how significant it is for a population to value national sovereignty. If she understands its value, we should too.

She wrapped up her rampage of disdain towards Christianity by saying, “White evangelical Christians of a certain mindset” think “that they own this country, that immigrants, that Brown people, that Hindus like Vivek Ramaswamy and his wife are illegitimate Americans. They are less legitimate Americans than they are.”

Last I checked, immigrants en masse support Trump and do so consistently.

Not only does he carry the majority of support from Hispanic voters, but they support him for his populist policies which include building the wall at the southern border! This is one inconvenient fact the establishment refuses to discuss.

How could it be that there are two groups of people with differing skin tones could possibly be in support of the same candidate? This is essentially what political pundits pose. What is the unifying factor between them all?

Could it be that the faith of “white Evangelical Christians,” Hispanic Catholics and even Black voters are driving them to disregard the division the media tells them exists and instead, are voting based upon their values?!

What a novel idea.

It’s no coincidence there’s a target on the backs of believers from politicians to the media. Understand this, however, such individuals only attack that which is impactful.

Know your value, Christians. We are called to take territory and that includes in the political and governmental realms.

As believers, we must also understand there will always be those who disagree with what we do, what we say and how we vote. And when it comes to voting, we shouldn’t be looking to a political party to be our Saviour, that is Jesus’ rightful place.

However, we also have a duty to engage in the governing affairs which affect our lives and those all around us. Voting is one simple way of doing so.

When we vote, we shouldn’t just find out what other Christians are doing at the ballot box and mimicking their actions. If we are to be engaged in the process, we should be looking into the policies each candidate has to offer, determining which candidate has the most doctrinally sound policies (yes, such policies do exist), and then holding them to account post-election as our duty far extends beyond the ballot box.

Example: President Trump was clearly the most pro-life President in U.S. history versus President Joe Biden who is literally trying to find ways to force doctors to commit abortions. On this issue and many others, there is a clear divide, a stark contrast, as to which policy more so aligns with the Bible and is thus deserving of our vote.

In the upcoming election cycle, many politicians, whether they’re running for President, the Senate or Congress, will try to woo you with their “conservative” banners. Don’t believe all of them. Question and challenge them, but most importantly, look at their track record. No politician is perfect (they’re all human beings after all) but voting records speak for themselves.

Two resources for you to do research on your own candidates are: MyFaithVotes and FRC Action.

We are blessed to have the opportunity to engage in the electoral system of this nation – don’t dismiss it.

Vote this year for candidates who value that which we value as believers, don’t let bullies like Reid and Wagner dissuade you.

We have every right to vote for the candidates that we see best fit to sit in her highest office – don’t forfeit it.

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Tags: News
Tags: Alex Wagner, Joy Reid, MSNBC, President Trump, Republican, White Christian Voters

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