BREAKING: Fauci Admits, No Science Behind COVID Guidelines

BREAKING- Fauci Admits, No Science Behind COVID Guidelines - Encounter Today - Blog

Anthony Fauci has admitted that the six-foot social distancing rule was made up and had zero scientific basis.

After two days of closed-door interviews with the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, a news release popped up on the House Oversight Committee website which revealed disturbing information that the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Dr. Anthony Fauci, “claimed that the ‘6 feet apart’ social distancing recommendation promoted by federal health officials was likely not based on any data. He characterized the development of the guidance by stating ‘it sort of just appeared.’”

The highest paid bureaucrat in the American government (Fauci) called for American citizens to stand six feet apart based upon information that supposedly just “appeared” out of nowhere! This is absolute nonsense. So many people, including experts, were silenced, demonized and lost their livelihood from discussing the validity of this specific mandate.

The panel’s chairman, Representative Brad Wenstrup (OH) stated that Fauci admitted that “the policies and mandates he promoted may unfortunately increase vaccine hesitancy for years to come … He testified that the lab lead hypothesis – which was often suppressed – was, in fact, not a conspiracy theory.”

For anyone who doesn’t know about the lab leak “theory,” it was the idea that the coronavirus wasn’t actually from natural sources as Fauci initially led the masses to believe, but that it was released from China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology.

According to the news release, Fauci “played semantics with the definition of a ‘lab-leak,’” when he denied trying to pressure the CIA on the theory, whilst also stating his admission of the truth came “nearly four years after prompting the publication of the now infamous ‘Proximal Origin’ paper that attempted to vilify and disprove the lab leak hypothesis.”

“Dr. Fauci’s transcribed interview revealed systemic failures in our public health system and shed light on serious procedural concerns with our public health authority. It is clear that dissenting opinions were often not considered or suppressed completely,” Wenstrup said.

If the six foot social distancing recommendation wasn’t scientific and just fell into the laps of our public health officials, what other “health” mandates did they run with that weren’t actually scientifically sound?

One thing is for certain, Fauci and all those involved in the Covid coup must be held accountable.

Though the process towards justice is seemingly slow, the proper procedures within the governmental system are indeed working. We must pray for our representatives to have courage to stand up when the time comes and hold such individuals to account for the sake of all of those who lost their livelihoods, and even those who lost their lives, due to the negligence of Fauci and company.

The public is right to be skeptical of health mandates, and whilst some paint their skepticism as wrong, it is actually the right thing to do. We shouldn’t “trust the science,” we should question it, as science is ever changing.

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Tags: Anthony Fauci, COVID Guidelines, COVID-19,

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