How to Outsmart the Algorithm: Preach on YouTube Without the Censorship

Spiritual Warfare
How to Outsmart the Algorithm: Preach on YouTube Without the Censorship-blog Alan DiDio-Enounter News

In an age where digital platforms aren’t just tools, but vital extensions of our ministries, the ability to share the Gospel on sites like YouTube is both a blessing and a challenge.

As ministers, we strive to spread the Word of God far and wide, reaching audiences across the globe through the power of the internet. However, with this incredible opportunity come pitfalls unique to every platform.

Below we have outlined the very words you should avoid if you want to stay off the censors’ radar. Now, just because specific words trigger censorship, it does NOT mean you cannot discuss these topics! We must be wise as serpents and use wording that best helps us avoid getting the algorithm’s attention.

YouTube, being one of the largest and most influential video-sharing platforms, has its own set of rules and algorithms designed “to foster a safe and welcoming environment for all users.” It can also be used to censor opinions they don’t like.

As stewards of the Gospel, it is our duty to ensure that our messages are not only heard but also remain accessible to our audiences. This means being aware of the words and topics that might trigger YouTube’s algorithms, leading to our content being flagged, restricted, or even removed.

Avoiding censorship isn’t about diluting the message but understanding the platform’s language and content expectations.

Guidelines and Suggestions:

Understanding YouTube’s Community Guidelines: Familiarize yourself with the platform’s policies on “hate speech, harassment, and misinformation”. While preaching the Gospel truth, ensure your content does not inadvertently fall into these categories.

Sensitive Topics: Be cautious when discussing topics that are polarizing or controversial. This includes politics, sexuality, or current events. While these can be integral to our teachings, they require a careful approach to avoid misinterpretation by both the audience and the algorithm.

Language Use: Certain keywords and phrases, especially those related to controversial topics or extreme views, can trigger YouTube’s algorithm. It’s essential to use language that is clear, respectful, and avoids ambiguity that could be misconstrued as promoting hate or intolerance. For if used, such language could cause your account to be flagged, shadow banned or censored. Below I have provided a list of words that could flag your account.

Context Matters: When discussing challenging topics, context is key. Clearly state the purpose of your discussion and frame it within a biblical and theological perspective. This helps in clarifying that the content is educational or religious in nature, not incendiary or harmful.

Engage with Your Community: Encourage positive and constructive dialogue in your video comments. This not only fosters a healthy community but also signals to YouTube’s algorithms that your content is fostering positive engagement.

Stay Informed: YouTube’s guidelines are not static. They evolve over time, so it’s crucial to stay updated with any changes or new policies that could affect your channel.

A critical question emerges: Should we, as preachers of the Gospel, abandon YouTube in favor of other platforms that may offer a higher degree of freedom in speech? The answer, while layered, leans towards a strategic utilization of all available platforms, without forsaking the influential crossroads that YouTube represents.

YouTube is more than just a platform; it’s a global crossroads where people from all walks of life converge. It’s a digital marketplace, a modern-day Areopagus, where ideas are exchanged, and beliefs are shared. This unparalleled reach makes YouTube an essential tool in our mission to spread the Word. To withdraw from this space is to leave a vacuum, a space where the voice of the church could and should be heard.

However, this doesn’t mean we should put all our eggs in one basket. It’s prudent to have a presence on alternative platforms, especially as backups. These platforms can serve as sanctuaries for content that may not align with YouTube’s ever-evolving guidelines. They can be spaces where we can speak more freely on topics that are increasingly sensitive on mainstream platforms. But these are supplementary, not replacements.

When I preached in the Middle East, where the Gospel was banned, the question was not whether to leave because of the legal constraints, but how to adapt and continue the mission under challenging circumstances. We learned to be “wise as serpents and harmless as doves” (Matthew 10:16), finding innovative ways to bring the message of Christ to those hungry for it. In the same vein, we must approach our digital ministry. We must learn to navigate YouTube’s guidelines with wisdom, understanding the system, and using it to our advantage to reach as many souls as possible.

This digital age calls for us to be digital missionaries, adept at using technology to spread the Gospel. We must smuggle in the truth wrapped in love and creativity, finding ways to express the unchanging message of Christ in ways that resonate with a digital audience. Like Paul in Athens, we must meet people where they are, speaking their language, and using their platforms.

While we should certainly explore and utilize emerging platforms that offer greater freedom, abandoning YouTube is not the answer. Instead, we must sharpen our skills, understand the digital landscape, and use these platforms to reach the ends of the earth.

Our mission isn’t to find the easiest path but to make the path to Christ accessible to all, even in the most challenging terrains.

Words That Can Get You Banned on YouTube:

  • 9-11
  • 9/11
  • Metoo
  • Abortion, Abort, Aborted, Abortions
  • Abuser, abusing, abusive
  • Adolescent
  • Adolf, Adolf Hitler
  • AIDS
  • Alqadea, Al Qaida
  • Allegation, Allegations
  • Asians
  • Blacks
  • Cancer
  • Cannabis
  • Censored
  • Columbine
  • Corona Virus, Coronavirus, Corona
  • Deaths
  • Democrat, Democratic, Democrats
  • Dies
  • Drug
  • Election, election fraud, elections, electoral
  • Epstein, Epstein didn’t kill himself
  • Execution
  • Healing
  • Hitler
  • HIV
  • Hoax
  • Homophobe
  • Hunter Biden
  • Illegal, Immoral
  • ISIL, ISIS, Islam
  • Jeffree Epstein
  • Jeffree Epstein didn’t kill himself
  • Jews
  • Jihad
  • KKK, Ku Klux Klan
  • Las Vegas Shooting
  • LSD
  • Nazi
  • Osama, Osama Bin Laden
  • Pizzagate
  • Premium
  • Pro-Choice
  • Qanon
  • Racist
  • Sandy Hook
  • Senor
  • Shooting
  • Sodom
  • Stolen Election
  • Suicide
  • Supremacist
  • Terrorism, terrorist, terrorists
  • Ukraine
  • Violence, violently
  • Voter, Voter fraud
  • White supremacists
  • Wuhan

Beginning next month, Google and YouTube will be flagging content dealing with a “Sensitive Event.” This is defined as an unforeseen event that creates significant risk to Google’s ability to “provide high quality, relevant information…” We’ll report more on this later.

This list is provided to help you understand the types of words and phrases that may trigger YouTube’s algorithm. It is not an exhaustive guide nor a directive to avoid these words entirely. Rather, it’s a tool for awareness, encouraging you to use discernment in your digital ministry.

This doesn’t mean changing our message, but rather choosing our words with care to avoid unnecessary flags or censorship. For instance, instead of directly using terms that are heavily scrutinized like “Covid-19”, you might refer to it as “the global health crisis” or “the recent pandemic”. This approach still conveys the subject matter without directly triggering sensitive keywords.

Similarly, for politically charged phrases like “voter fraud” or “stolen election”, consider using more neutral language such as “election integrity concerns” or “controversies surrounding the recent elections” with wink and a nod. These alternatives maintain the essence of the topic while reducing the risk of algorithmic flagging.

When discussing “vaccination”, which can be a contentious topic, opt for phrases like “immunization efforts” or “public health measures related to inoculation”. By using these alternatives, you’re still addressing the issue but through a lens that is less likely to be flagged as controversial or misinformation. One friend of ours uses the phrase “Fauci-Ouchi”. When referring to the LGBTQ+ political agenda another minister uses the phrase, “Alphabet Mafia.”

In essence, let this list serve as a guide to navigate YouTube thoughtfully, using each word appropriately in its context with the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Our aim is not to avoid sensitive topics but to approach them with wisdom and clarity, ensuring our message aligns with platform guidelines without compromising its essence.

In essence, let this list serve as a guide to navigate YouTube thoughtfully, using each word appropriately in its context with the leading of the Holy Spirit.


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Tags: Spiritual Warfare
Tags: censorship, How to avoid censorship, Words banned on YouTube, youtube

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