Pandemics and Prophecy; What Is the U.S. Preparing For?
Over the holidays, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) amended the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act.
The changes made have immense implications which will expand the legal counteractions that the department may take to combat Ebola or Marburg virus pandemics. The changes will be operational through 2028. The questions we’re asking ourselves are; why were these changes needed through 2028 and why are these two specific viruses listed?
Are we to soon expect that there will be mRNA shots for all illnesses? Possibly, as the now reformed PREP Act has Federal funding provisions to cover vaccines, diagnostics, devices and therapeutics to combat the Ebola and Marburg viruses.
Does HHS see another pandemic on the horizon?
America has never experienced a Marburg or Ebola pandemic nor should we be concerned about experiencing one. The media may try deploying their fear-mongering tactics as they did with Monkeypox, but Americans know better after they had long inflated the risks of Covid 19. The fear-mongering really didn’t last much longer than a few news cycles and it was done and over with. People finally woke up!
Pandemics – they’re a business model.
Unsurprisingly, due to the intimate relationship between Big Pharma and the government, there were provisions made to protect Big Pharma in the new PREP Act. What is slightly surprising, however, is how HHS has decided that the amendments to the PREP Act should include a knockoff policy from the COVID-19 Emergency Authorization Act which will help HHS defend Big Pharma for years to come. Again, why does HHS want to provide liability immunity to Big Pharma?
HHS Secretary, Xavier Becerra, even assured that so-called “Covered Persons” would have immunity. Who are these “Covered Persons”? They would include anyone involved in the production, distribution, planning, or delivery of “Counteractions” (vaccines, devices, therapeutics, etc).
During Covid, Big Pharma racked in profits thanks to the media’s fear filled headlines which were echoed by our leaders in government. Unfortunately for them, they have been met with legal battles on multiple fronts stemming not only from within the United States but from a plethora of nations.
Why is HHS seeking to protect Big Pharma from being liable from a situation involving the production or distribution of counteractions before there’s a situation like an Ebola or Marburg pandemic?
Something is incredibly fishy here and we must continue asking questions.
Prophecy and Pandemics
Hysteria around disease and pandemics will be part of the end times. In Luke 21:11, we read of future plagues that are associated with the last days that will sweep nations. During the global lockdowns, we had a taste of the things to come. Governments globally shut down their nations due to the perceived threat of COVID-19, could it be that the U.S. government is preparing for an Ebola or Marburg pandemic?
What Are We To Do?
How should Christians respond to the hysteria crafted and promoted around pandemics whether they are the result of nature or mankind?
First, we must understand who are in Christ and what that entails for us living in the last days which we know will have the presence of pestilence. Luke 10:19 says, “Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you,” and Mark 16:17-18 which says that, “they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.” We must know, grow in, and exercise our authority over sickness and disease.
Give no place to fear. The equivalent of “do not fear” is found over 300 times in the Bible, that isn’t a coincidence – everything God does is intentional. Human beings are drawn towards knowing that which is a threat so we can avoid it. As believers, not only can we know what is happening in the world and not be swayed by it, but we can take authority over it and keep our peace because we know our rights as children of God and the promises he has made to us.
Finally, we can look for opportunities to minister to others. In times of crisis and uncertainty, people are looking for hope and when there is a threat to people’s lives, they are more willing to have conversations about eternity. In love, share the Gospel. Share where your strength comes from and how peace is your portion not fear.
No matter what disease, pandemic or crisis may arise, we will follow the command given to us by God in Joshua 1:9 which says, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
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