REVEALED: Abortion Program at University of Pitt Under Federal Investigation

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Abortion Program at University of Pitt Under Federal Investigation - Encounter Today - Blog

What’s Happening:

Newly released FOIA documents reveal the University of Pittsburgh has admitted to the NIH that its program which harvests body parts from aborted babies is under federal investigation alongside its partner, Planned Parenthood.

The NIH program called “Goodmap” was a multi-year, multi million dollar grant to the University of Pittsburgh obtained in 2016 to run a distribution hub for the harvesting and trafficking of late term aborted baby parts. In order to obtain the desired product (aka baby body parts), many babies were born alive so their organs would be warm enough to be “harvestable”.

In a proposal by Pitt for the program, they included a racial target for harvesting the human fetal parts. Of its planned aborted “subjects” Pitt desired 50% of fetuses to be from mothers in minority communities. The proposal suggests that the “subjects” be diverse because Pittsburgh is diverse, the U.S. Census Bureau shows the city of Pittsburgh is close to 70% white.

Thanks to the work of The Center for Medical Progress, they have obtained documents which detail how on October 28, 2021, the HHS Office of Inspector General (OIG) sent a formal subpoena to the University of Pittsburgh for documents concerning the Goodmap abortion harvesting (and trafficking) program. The OIG is a federal law enforcement authority with criminal investigative authority over federally funded programs with the power to issue subpoenas, conduct surveillance, testify in criminal proceedings and even make arrests.

The areas of information that were requested by the OIG subpoena that we are aware of include:
  1. Born Alive Infant Documentation
  2. Patient Consent Information
  3. Abortion Practices
  4. Harvesting Protocols

How Did We Get Here:

In 2021, nearly 100 members of Congress asked the Biden administration for details on Pitt’s barbaric research which is federally funded. Even Dr. Ronna Jurow, a pro-abortion ob-gyn who once worked with Planned Parenthood, raised concerns over the unethical treatment of aborted babies at Pitt, “As an alumnus of Pitt, it troubles me to see my alma mater become a national hub for training students for controversial fetal experimentation, allegedly using staff employed by Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion business.”

Fetal tissue research has been a controversial subject for Pitt as it recently attracted scrutiny over an experiment that involved grafting fetal scalps onto rodents. But the issue also includes the abortion techniques which include live births and potential violations of tissue-trafficking law.

In May 2021, Judicial Watch uncovered records from the FDA showing the agency spent taxpayer dollars to buy babies’ fetal tissue from Advanced Bioscience Resources. Records show the agency ordered shipments to be “fresh; shipped on wet ice” to help with the creation of “humanized mice” to test “biologic drug products” on.

For the sake of future children facing brutal death and their bodies used for experimentation, swift justice must be served. Thankfully, people on both sides of the political divide are outraged at such practices being conducted and are demanding answers.

Life is sacred and deserves protection

We as believers are called to “Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter (Proverbs 24:11) and we can do that by holding our Members of Congress to account, raising this issue to them, and by taking action in our communities to make abortion unthinkable in this generation.

It doesn’t matter who is in the White House, in Congress or the Senate, just rulings can prevail!

Roe v. Wade was overturned with a pro-abortion President in office, so there is hope that this program will also be thrown into the dustbin of history.

Let’s not limit our infinite, all-powerful God for there is no comparison of power between that of our political system to who He is. We must be engaged through prayer, through action, and by sharing stories like this. For in exposing the darkness of what is happening in our world, we may then be the ones who bring forward solutions from above.

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Tags: News, Spiritual Warfare
Tags: Abortion, FBI, University of Pittsburgh

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