Are Globalist’s Demands for Less Meat Fulfilling Prophecy?

End-Time EventsNews
Are Globalists Fulfilling Bible Prophecy? - Encounter Today - Blog

The European Union (EU) has demanded Ireland cull 200,000 of its cattle to appease the radical, eco-fascist movement disrupting cities all across Europe. The EU’s call to action says it will help “save the planet” but is that really what “green” policies are meant to do, or is this just another excuse for governments to implement systems which systematically take away our freedoms?

The EU says its climate emissions need to meet the net zero targets currently in place, but how will killing off 200,000 cows compare to that of the greatest emissions producer globally? There’s no comparison. This is a power move that holds zero profit for the people of Ireland. What this demand will do is destroy the livelihoods of farmers in the country and the product they produce.

Patterns Matter

This government overreach is the same insanity we witnessed in Holland where a proposal was made to reduce nitrogen pollution caused by the manure of 100 million animals on the country’s farms. So what was the government’s solution? To reduce animals in rural areas by a third!

Whilst governments want to drive down both the production of animal products which would cause farms to close up shop and force people to move into city centers, their ultimate goal is to usher in carbon credits, a digital currency and a surveillance state. Starting with the demonization of meat and the reduction of farmers owning land may seem like strange moves towards the achievement of these goals but they remain major driving factors of implementing the globalist agenda to ensure all people are in 15 minute cities. This strategy is called “demand destruction”. Simply put, if there’s a lesser demand for meat there will be less farmers raising animals for consumption which ultimately means farmers go out of business.

What Does the Bible Say?

The attack on farmers producing meat and dairy is an intentional move that is a part of a much bigger picture as told to us in 1 Timothy 4 which says, “In latter times some will…commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving…” Working in tandem with the anti-meat movement, we have also been witnessing an increase in activist groups which elevate the lives of animals above that of human beings. For the believer, this is an opportunity to point others to the signs of the time (2 Timothy 3:1-4) and reveal the Gospel’s accuracy to a culture of skeptics!

In a society willing to adopt trends which directly correlate to that which was foretold to us in scripture, our response must be grounded in the truth.

As believers living in the last days before the Lord’s return, we can choose to sit back and comment on what is happening in society or we can utilize the opportunities being handed to us on a silver platter to help reveal the convergence of our present day reality and Scripture!

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Tags: End-Time Events, News
Tags: digital currency, End Times, net zero

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