Is the Drying Up of the Euphrates River the Fulfillment of Bible Prophecy
What Is Happening to the Euphrates River?
The Bible predicts that in the last days, the Euphrates River will dry up to prepare the way for the “Kings of the East” to pass through. The river itself is a massive land barrier that would hinder any army from advancing east to west. At more than 1,800 miles long and an average of 300 yards wide, the Euphrates River has been a substantial source of life in the region.
The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East.
– Revelation 16:12
The Bible doesn’t say who the “kings of the east” are, and biblical scholars and theologians have different ideas about who they are. One popular interpretation is that the “kings of the east” are a reference to the rise of China and other Asian nations as powerful political and economic entities.
John predicts in Revelation 9:16–18 that these kings of the east will boast a standing army of 200 million. This is a bold prophecy, especially when you consider that at the time he was writing, there weren’t 200 million people on the planet. However, as you read this today, China has an army of more than 200 million, just as the Bible predicted.
It’s also worth noting that, whatever the kings of the east are, they are seen as a formidable force in the end times and are going to be part of the final battles that will take place before the return of Jesus. Either way, this massive army will need to cross the Euphrates on their way to the valley of Armageddon.
Recent news articles have reported that the Euphrates River is indeed drying up. According to a study by the University of Arizona, the river’s flow has decreased by more than 60% over the past century due to dams and irrigation projects in Turkey, Syria, and Iraq. There’s also been an unknown factor that has caused it to increase that no one can explain. This decrease in flow has had a significant impact on the region, causing water shortages and affecting the livelihoods of those who depend on the river for agriculture and fishing.
The drying up of the Euphrates River is a clear fulfillment of Bible prophecy and a sign that we must be ready for Jesus’ return. As stated in Matthew 24:44, “Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.”
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3 Comments. Leave new
Thank you for this information, it’s been beyond helpful to me. I’m trying to move towards worshipping God better. The actual Sabbath is on Saturday right?
yess the Sabbath day is here for us to keep the day holly and for rest, the last day for our father rest was at the end of the week of the week, the first day is on sunday so the sabbath should be on the last day which is saturday. Hopes this helps you
The drying up of river Euphrates is the clear indication that a rapture can happen at any time soon. Jesus is about to come and take his church. Its a pity that scholars interpret Rev 16:12 in the academic context. On the contrary, God’s issues are understood in the spirituality. To the academics, this is blasphemy. My prayer is that all of us who received the new title after we repented and accepted Jesus as our personal savior, we the righteousness of God, we continue preaching the word on repentance while the grace is still available. God says when a person repents, they are the righteousness of God. Our thinking is guided by the Spirit of God. When the Armageddon takes place, all the righteousness of God will be long raptured and the mark of the beast, the 666,will be ruling the earth. Hold on the baton of salvation man and woman of God. Are you shock on what is happening in the middle east? The Israel-Iraq conflict? The Russia conflict? All these countries are in the same region or rather continent. The river Euphrates is running across them. The river is now almost 30% dry. Wake up and smell the coffee!!!